Do trees automatically populate when an account is created for a child?

When a new account is created, the only person on the tree is the account owner. An account was created for a 9 year old, and the parents and grand-parents automatically appeared. For the one grand parent who is deceased, that line also appeared. Is this new, or is this for a child account?
Their Family Tree will populate after they put all the living in their Private Space, and then they enter the first deceased ancestor of their tree line.
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Hi @rgf2253. This is new, very new. It sounds like your family has been selected to try out the prototype Family Tree shared private space scheme that Ron Tanner talked about this week:
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In he past it has been the case that if a new account holder was a member of the Church and puts in his or her membership number, FamilySearch used the information from ones membership record to add parents. If a parent is a member, then grandparents would get populated from the parent's membership record and so on. These copies of parents and grandparents who are living will have different ID numbers than the ID numbers those people see when they sign into their account. I haven't helped open a new account for a long time, but it sounds like this is still the case.
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thank you everyone for your comments. I am trying to figure out why this tree was already populated for this account. My son has several children who he has already created acccounts for and this has never happened, so Gordon's answer seems logical but maybe not the reason since it has not happened before.
The prototype may be the reason. My son said he created the account through LDS Tools and not through familySearch. He created a profile and, I believe he shared it with his other children. This sounds like he may be included in the prototype.
It will be wonderful to be able to share our living people among our families and maybe it will be soon. If anyone has more information, I would welcome it.
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He created the account through LDS Tools on his computer. (not his phone)