Why do my husband and I have different ID numbers in our individual accounts?

Recently, when I was adding grandchildren to my line, then logging into my husband's account and trying to add them as well, it wouldn't work. I have also noticed that my husband's family tree does not show up when I am logged into mine and when logged into my husband's family tree, mine does not show up. I was told that this should not be happening so I checked the ID numbers and there are different numbers for both my husband and I in our individual accounts. I'm not sure how that happened but I would like to match us up so both family trees show up when either one of us is logged in. I'm just not sure how to merge/delete without losing all the "tree" information on our lines. I would like some experienced help with this issue. Sorry this is not really a question, just a plea for experienced help. Thank you.
Jon Douglas Katzenbach
Lori Irene Johnson Katzenbach
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Everyone has a private area for living individuals. So yes there are duplicates of living people. You may have a copy of your spouse and that ID number will not match your living spouse PID# in his own tree. That is by design. Same if you want to add grandchildren you would need to make different copies one copy for each of your private (Living people) area of the tree. I find that because of that duplication, I do not add many living people to the shared family tree, knowing it is a copy. I add those needed to connect to the shared family Tree. I find that working with living people is easier done in private software.