More spaces at the end of the batch (Indexing)
I have come across this a few times as I get to the end of indexing a batch I go to submit it & it tells me I have 70 issues I go to check to see what they are & all they are are blank spaces. I've checked the batch & all names are accounted for & logged so not sure where the other issues have come from. What did I do? I {blank| them & than submit the batch. I'm happy to {blank} them & not send the batch back. Is this okay to do?
Best Answers
You can delete all of the blanks by using the trash can icon at the top of your page. When you click on it it will give you the option of delete all blanks.
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Larry is correct. These projects come with a preset number of entries. Once we finish indexing all the information on our image, the empty entries must be deleted or the batch won't submit. So, you must click on the trash can, select "all blank entries", and then click delete. There can be no information in the "blank entry", so if you have used auto-fill for a field, you might need to remove the information in the filled in fields. You can always do that by going to the first un-needed form, remove the information and then auto fill the empty box forward.
The other issue with blanks may come from not indexing all the required information on an entry form in addition to the names. If the information is not available, and there is an asterisk next to the field name, then we need to render those fields blank as well using the command Ctrl + B, or Cmd + B for a Mac. If any of those fields with an asterisk are left empty, the Quality Check will show them as errors.