Is it better to use * ? or what you think you are sure of?? Liberia Census 2008

I am reviewing the following image,
As you can see the names are almost impossible to read.
Line 1 I'm fairly certain the name is Ndorbor which would be the same in line 2
Line 3 I'm fairly certain the name is Wleh.
LIne 4 I cannot tell what the given name is. I believe the surname is Samuel
So the Question is for the given name is it better to put Elwn which I think is correct or put El*n
Best Answers
I'll make a reference to this knowledge article to help you in cases like this:
When you index, you can see information that is difficult to read. Use these guidelines as you index unreadable information:
- One character. If you are unable to read 1 letter or number, use a question mark (?) to replace the unreadable letter or number. Example: H?ndley.
- Multiple characters. For consecutive unreadable letters or numbers, use an asterisk (*) to replace the unreadable group of letters or numbers. Example: Di*son.
- One field. When all of the information for an indexing field is unreadable, mark the field as Unreadable. Click in the field, and press Ctrl+U.
- Entire record. When all of the information in an entire record is unreadable, including the name, date, and any information for other required fields, mark the record as Unreadable. Press Ctrl+Shift+U.
- Entire image. If you cannot read any of the information on the image, mark it as having no Extractable data. In Step 1: Images, choose No, No Extractable Data.
We are happy to help you to discern difficult writings,
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In the end you are the one indexing the record. You are the one who makes the final judgement call. Other people can give you their opinions on what the information might be but you are the one who has to make the final call on it. Trust yourself to decide what it should be or whether it needs to be marked with a ? or a *.
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I guess what I am struggling to understand is what the researcher will see and how all of this will affect their access to the information. I appreciate all of your answers and with the last comment from AGTHBG I wills I still have so much to learn about how all of this works but Yes that answers my question.
Thank you very much
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Line 1 I'm fairly certain the name is Ndorbor which would be the same in line 2: names are Tululym Ndorhor
Line 2: Bandu Ndorhor
Line 3 I'm fairly certain the name is Wleh.- it is Annie Wlelt
LIne 4 I cannot tell what the given name is. I believe the surname is Elcon Samuel- correct.
Line 5: Justin Dennis
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Sorry I am not trying to be humbug, but no that didn't really answer my question. what I was trying to learn was, is it better in the end result for the researchers to have for example: Welt or We* or Welh which is a very common name in Liberia and if you look at it with that in mind then you read Welh??
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I am a lousy typist the name above is Wleh. that is the correct name for that field.
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If we have difficulty reading information to be indexed, we should not make our best guess. While we are encouraged to type what we see, sometimes that is difficult when we cannot determine the spelling of the names due to handwriting or damage to the document. It is best to not guess and only index what we feel confident is correct. If we are not sure, a ? would replace 1 unreadable letter, and an * would replace consecutive unreadable letters. You can find these instructions in the Project Instructions under General Indexing Guidelines and the section for Unreadable Information. You can also adjust the image using the vertical toolbar.
As per using the word OR to add variants of names : The Field help for names says the following: Include all aliases, nicknames, or variant names that were given for a person, separating them with the word Or.
We don't use the word Or for possible spellings of a name.
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this really bring out the reason I asked the question in the first place. Three different people have looked at the image and we have three different results.
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So in the example I gave above I would type Wlelt or Wleh would that be correct?