Originally in the prior version of Community - there was an INDEXING CHAT GROUP (in the groups section)
with the new version of Community that was done away with and superseded by the INDEXING Q/A and IDEAS sections.
I wonder how those who were leaders of the prior INDEXING CHAT - feel now in retrospect about this change. What were the pros and cons? Were there any unexpected side-effects.
There are still a few GROUPS in the GROUPS section - that could be considered duplicative of Q/A & IDEAS categories and might be considered for sunsetting.
any feedback?
The biggest con for closing the group is that all of the thousands of answers that were searchable in Indexing Chat are now hidden behind a wall: Permission Forbidden. Years worth of information that could be searched to get correct answers to questions is unattainable. Also, all of the links to reference materials that were either created by IC members or found in existing FamilySearch articles are now gone. New indexers could view those links and find videos on indexing, there were blogs on frequently asked questions like how to index maiden names, there were PDF's that showed what all the keyboard shortcuts and icons do, there were many handwriting help links. People did a lot of work to make Indexing Chat a useful group and now that work is buried and it hasn't been transferred to the Q & A side.
There are a lot of moderators, but there doesn't seem to be any team leadership within the group like we had with Heather in Indexing Chat. When a question needed special attention, we knew we could tag her and get "the final answer". The moderators obviously have varying degrees of knowledge when it comes to their understanding of the web-indexing program, the indexing process, the projects and instructions, and even how to use the community features. However, having the title of moderator after their names makes it seem that they have some degree of authority over indexing. The "accepted answer" portion is misleading. Some answers that are wrong are accepted while other answers that are correct are ignored.
P. S. This morning I see that a "guest" who I suggested should use the lab "Reason to Reindex Batch" called FamilySearch when she couldn't activate the lab and was given incorrect (bogus) information about the feature. So, it isn't just the community where one can receive incorrect answers. Perhaps the moderators are getting the same bad advice to share with the community from their "internal" sources.
My apologies in advance for any feelings that have been hurt by this post, but, I think it was a huge mistake to "sunset" IC. I can't think of one "pro" to report. I hope it doesn't happen to other worthy groups that have worked hard to build a knowledgable group in the Community.
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Hi Mellissa,
Having just read your reply it leaves me sad and disappointed that being a newbie, I have missed out on so much vital information that enables people like me to learn and grow. I love indexing, working out the hand writing and being happy that someone somewhere will find what they are looking for through my efforts. So yes, I know there is information out there, somewhere, but I don't understand why this happened. It seems short sighted to me but I guess there is a valid reason, now we have to trust in the Lord even more and pray we get it right.
Best regards
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Yeh - I really wish they would have at least left the group in READ only mode.
but seems to me the group played a role - that is still needed even with the Q/A..
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The 'Group' of "Indexing Chat" should NEVER have been "Closed Down".
The 'Group' of "Indexing Chat" was fine, just as it was.
There is NO Problem/Issue with the DUPLIACTION of, 'Groups'; and, corresponding 'Categories', in the "Q and A" Section.
Many of the 'Groups' have been successfully operating for some time; Well BEFORE, the inclusion, of the 'Categories', in the "Q and A" Section.
MANY of the 'Questions', in the 'Categories', in the "Q and A" Section, DO NOT, even need to be, in "Q and A" Section; as, they were PREVIOUSLY handled MUCH Better within the 'Groups'.
And, many of the 'Questions", in the 'Categories', in the "Q and A" Section, certainly DO NOT need the INTERVENTION of the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ].
As it is, even in the "Q and A" Section, the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] SHOULD be just 'sitting on the side-lines'; and, ONLY, coming in when called for.
One of the ONLY real 'Categories', in the "Q and A" Section, that the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] SHOULD be, 'On-Hand, from the outset, is that for "Temple" Work; as, ONLY they can take appropriate action.
The 'Groups' should NEVER be TAKEN OVER by the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ]; as, there is NO need.
The "Leaders" of the 'Groups', KNOWN exactly when a matter, NEEDS to go onto 'FamilySearch' "Support".
The REAL Problem/Issue, that exits at the moment, is that MANY of the (Older) "Leaders" of the 'Groups', just DO NOT have the "Access" LEVEL, that they used to have in the PREVIOUS Platform of the Forum.
Yet, the Very INEXPERIENCED "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ], DO have the "Access" LEVEL in the CURRENT Platform of the Forum, that the "Leaders" of the 'Groups' REALLY Need.
Just one of a number ...
"Moving" a "Post", from a 'Group', to a 'Category', in the "Q and A" Section, when appropriate.
The "Community.FamilySearch" Forum was originally established were ...
Users/Patrons, HELPED / ASSISTED, Users/Patrons.
That worked quite well; and, had been doing so for a number of YEARS.
The "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, is NOT the SOLE purview of the 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel).
There needs to be a more workable 'Balance'.
Furthermore ...
As, I have already proffered to the "Administration" of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ...
The PREVIOUS Platform, was MUCH more 'seamless', in regard to, 'Questions'; and, the 'Groups', in fact they were ALMOST One.
One could just ASK a 'Question'.
One DID NOT, have to CHOOSE, a "Category"; nor, did one have to be in a 'Group', when one ASKED a 'Question'.
[ And, there was NO "Categories"; as, such ... ]
One just simply asked a 'Question'; as, easy as that.
That 'Question', then appeared in the ONE (Generic) LIST of 'Questions' (in 'Date' and "Time' order), that EVERYONE saw, by DEFAULT.
But, in that ONE (Generic) LIST, you principally ONLY 'saw' either, the GENERIC (unlinked) 'Questions'; or, those 'Questions' pertaining to the 'Group(s)' to which you were a member.
ANYONE could 'Answer'/'Comment' on ANY such 'Question' in that ONE (Generic) LIST.
And, most importantly, ANYONE answering/commenting, could "Mention" ( ie. @[Group Name] ) a 'Group' in a "Question'; thereby, AUTOMATICALLY "Tagging" (basically, ADDING) that 'Question' INTO the particular 'Group' (or, Groups') that was (were) "Mentioned".
MANY Participants, in the Forum, DID NOT either, WATCH; or FOLLOW, that ONE (Generic) LIST of 'Questions', they SIMPLY watched/followed the 'Group' (or, 'Groups') in which they were a member.
As such, a number of us, were continually, "Mentioning", the various 'Groups', in 'Questions', to get those 'Questions', into the relevant 'Group' (or, sometimes, 'Groups').
That process worked quite well; as, NOT everything need to be "Moved"; as, a "Mention" was all that was needed.
[ Of course, you advised the poster of the 'Question' what you were doing with that "Mention" (ie. Referring) ... that was a 'Given'. ].
Sometimes, it was better to "Move" a 'Question', than just using the "Mention", for WHATEVER reason.
ALL of the "Leaders" of 'Groups' had, that SAME 'Level" of ACCESS, that the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ], NOW have.
And, the "Leaders" of 'Groups' could "Move" (as well as, "Edit"; "Delete", "Close"; "Mute"; etc) the 'Questions' (ie.'Posts') as necessary.
As I have already indicated, MANY of the "Leaders" of 'Groups', NO LONGER have, that SAME 'Level" of ACCESS, that the "Moderators" (ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel), NOW have.
Such is certainly very much a 'hinderance' - for the likes of the "Leaders" of the 'Groups'.
MOST Participants, care NOT, for the "Categories", they just simply want to ask a 'Question'.
They are happy, with those Working in the Forum, to PUT the 'Question', into the right "Area", they just want an Answer, they care NOT for the "Politics"; nor, the "Mechanics".
Sorry ... 'Off my Soap Box'
Now ...
All that Said ...
I am certainly not against the participation of the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I really just wish that the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] would understand that the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum is NOT their SOLE purview; and, would work better with the, somewhat experienced, Participants (ie. the 'lowly' Users/Patrons) who have been WORKING in the Forum for MANY Years, rather than taking over.
With the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] just 'sitting on the side-lines'; and, ONLY, coming in when called for, that would give, the 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel), much MORE 'Time' to DEVOTE to WORK on matters, that NEED their ATTENTION; and, can ONLY be handled by them.
As, I previously suggested, there needs to be a more workable 'Balance'.
Well, at least, until 'FamilySearch', gets a NEW fully fledged, 'FamilySearch' "Support" Case Management System, up and running, again.
Just my thoughts.
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I agree, Dennis. There needs to be a Q&A group for Indexing. But, it doesn't need 100 moderators and someone needs to be able to immediately contact Indexing Ops, or the technicians when there is a problem with the instructions or the program. Today, after I asked that my concerns about a specific Project Instruction be shared, I was told to post the problem in IDEAS. This is the second time that has happened. They aren't ideas. They are inconsistencies that need to be addressed immediately before records are incorrectly indexed and reviewed by people who don't even know about the Community. This particular group should be manned 24/7 and questions answered when they are posted, not hours later. That is the beauty of this type of platform.
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This is not the first time FamilySearch has chosen to lose a large body of indexing discussions: back in 2013, they got rid of an active forum system without archiving any of it.
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I really dont know who it was that made the decision to get rid of the Indexing Chat GROUP
I also think it should have been left as it was.
but who were the group leaders of that group when it existed? What do they know as to why it was removed? Can it still be restored? Who makes that decision?
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Also as an aside - it was quite revealing as a result of this and a few other posts - - just how little most of the moderators even know about the very basics of the GROUPS section. (apparently not even having been trained on its general make up and operation)
This was exactly the type of thing I was referring to in past posts that all so often different parts of the community are working in independent "silos" and the left hand and the right hand arent even aware of each other.