Why are pioneer ancestors limited to 20? I'd like to see them all.
Thank you so much for providing quick access to my pioneer ancestors. I soon realized there was a limit set on each account of 20 pioneers. How can I see them all?
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church, with Early (Church) Pioneer Ancestors ... ]
Question: What do you mean by, "... Why are pioneer ancestors limited to 20? ..."?
Can you please explain.
Further Question: What " ... set on each account of 20 pioneers ..."?
Again, can you please explain.
As far as I was aware, there is no such, set limit.
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch', regarding data limits for people in "Family Tree":
What are the data limits for people in Family Tree?
Where it states, among other things:
In Family Tree, the record for a person has the following data limits:
- Spouses: 200
- Parents: 100
- Children: 400
- Names, facts, and events in the Other Information section: 200
- Sources: 200
- Memories: 1,000
- Other persons identified as "not a match": 400
- Discussions: 50
- Individual notes: 50 (each note can have up to 10,752 characters)
- Relationship notes: 12 (each note can have up to 10,752 characters)
'Thank You' in advance.
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The user is referring to this page: (which indeed seems to have a limit of 20)
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'Thank You' for that ...
Ah, so ...
A 'FamilySearch' "Campaign" ...
In particular, that "Discover [ Ancestor ], Your Pioneer Relative" ...
To be honest, I did not realise that there was any limit; but, I suppose, to not overburden the "System", there needs to be some "Limit" applied.
I just checked that "Campaign" for both, my Wife; and, myself.
My Wife has that x20; whereas, I am not quite that many.
But ...
That Said ...
Despite what that "Campaign" proffers, I know with certainty, that both, my Wife; and, I, have COUNTLESS, "Early Utah Mormon Pioneers", in our respective Ancestral Lines.
That "Campaign" is NOT a definitive research tool/indicator.
NO "Campaign" is a definitive research tool/indicator.
The "Campaigns", are simply a medium, used to, engage; and, engender, Users/Patrons (especially, those who are Members of the Church), in continuing to participate in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', by providing information/detail, that the User/Patron may not be aware.
The "Campaigns" are very basic, certainly not a sophisticated research tool/indicator.
Again, 'Thank You' for that.
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IF, that 'FamilySearch' "Campaign" of "Discover [ Ancestor ], Your Pioneer Relative" ...
is that, to which you refer, regarding the ... "Limit of x20"; THEN, there are more 'FamilySearch' "Campaigns"; and, there are other sometimes better options/alternatives, to 'seeing' your (Church) Pioneer Ancestors.
Provided that, your "Ancestral" Lines, in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', are extensive enough ...
In relation to one's "Ancestors" that are (or, may be) Members of the Church ...
Apart from the 'FamilySearch' "Campaign" of "Your Pioneer Relatives"
There are a few other 'FamilySearch' "Campaigns" that you MAY find interesting ...
Relief Society
Women of Faith
Pioneer Child
Sub campaigns for Pioneer Child
▬ https://www.familysearch.org/campaign/pioneerchild/courageous
▬ https://www.familysearch.org/campaign/pioneerchild/creative
▬ https://www.familysearch.org/campaign/pioneerchild/curious
▬ https://www.familysearch.org/campaign/pioneerchild/daring
▬ https://www.familysearch.org/campaign/pioneerchild/determined
▬ https://www.familysearch.org/campaign/pioneerchild/honorable
▬ https://www.familysearch.org/campaign/pioneerchild/independent
▬ https://www.familysearch.org/campaign/pioneerchild/resourceful
And ...
Possibly, even ...
Church History Library
Early Utah Mormon Pioneers
Pioneer Database
The Mormon Battalion Association
Plus ...
(BYU) RelativeFinder
IF, you have not already; THEN, You might want to try ...
Can I humbly suggest that a place where you should be able to 'See' your "Relationship" with, "Famous People"; and, many, "Others"; including, "Early Utah Mormon Pioneers"; and, Church Leaders; and, many OTHER Church Members; PLUS, you can ALSO "Print" the connections/links between you and them is through (BYU) "RelativeFinder" ...
And, it is simple, just a matter of "Signing In", with the credentials of your 'FamilySearch' Account; accepting the "Conditions"; and, the "Connection" between "FamilySearch' and (BYU) "RelativeFinder"; which, then becomes a "Partner" Account, that is "Connect" to 'FamilySearch.
(BYU) "RelativeFinder" digs (pun intended) a lot DEEPER in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', than 'FamilySearch' does.
(BYU) "RelativeFinder" is one of the "Third Party" Applications that "Certified" to work with "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
BYU = Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah, USA (ie. the Church University).
From the "Family History Technology Laboratory", of the "Computer Science" Department.
Here is direct link to "RelativeFibder"
"RelativeFinder" has MANY 'Bells and Whistles', that you might find useful.
Apart from "Famous People" and "Others" ...
(BYU) "RelativeFinder" has some interesting options ...
There is an option to see if there is a 'Connection' between yourself and a "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
There is an option to see if there is a 'Connection' between two (x2) "Deceased" individuals/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
There is an option to see if there is a 'Connection' between ("Living" - Users/Patrons) Friends in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
Good Luck.
I hope this might help, somewhat.
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The Pioneer Campaign - appears to be limited to direct ancestors only
And is limited to those that came to the Utah valley between 1847 and 1868
even a person who descended from Mormon Pioneers on all of their lines - would probably not have much more than 20 or so people who meet that criteria.
The listing is based on the Pioneer Database at this link:
As Brett points out - The "Campaign" is more a thing to get people interested in researching their family tree - I agree with that - and the campaign itself should be taken with a grain of salt.
BUT the Pioneer Database is a pretty seriously supported project - with years of very serious and complex research. (see the link above) - there are other databases that also represent soem very serious research - such as the Mormon Missionary Database https://history.churchofjesuschrist.org/landing/missionary-database?lang=eng
HOWEVER it these database are not always complete - and may not always have their records linked to the corresponding person in Family Tree - - thus it possible you could have a pioneer ancestor that is not listed even when they should have been.
You actually can contact the people that maintain the database and have them update their database with people that you know about.
As far as I know the Relative Finder - uses the same underlying database - but it may not limit its matches only to direct ancestors but may look for people who have common ancestry (cousins). which is why you would probably get more matches in Relative Finder.
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. . . and via that link:
you can search for any of your direct line ancestors (one by one) to see if any of them are listed - and find some very interesting additional supporting documents - such as diaries, journals etc. - whether for your direct ancestor - or for others who were in the same company
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'Yes', that is correct.
(BYU) "RelativeFinder", uses the same underlying database; as, does "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch" ...
Of course, it does; as, it uses, "Family tree" of 'FamilySearch, itself.
But ...
That Said ...
As I already advised ...
(BYU) "RelativeFinder" digs (pun intended) a lot DEEPER in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', than 'FamilySearch' does.
And ...
'Yes', as you suggest, (BYU) "RelativeFinder", DOES NOT "Limit" its matches to ONLY direct "Ancestors"; and, DOES 'look' for People who have "Common" Ancestry [ie. Ancestral" Lines (eg. cousins) ].
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yes - but it would not need to go any deeper (for direct ancestors only)
BUT YES - - the depth would apply to "cousins"
but if you are only interested in direct ancestors - they should show up on FS
and if they dont it is most likely simply that the link to the profile record in Family Tree has not yet been established.
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but yes - the campaign is limiting to 20 people for whatever arbitrary reason
I would think even a person who has pioneers on all lines would probably never have no more than 50 people. I have pioneers on most all lines and I think I only have a few more than 20.
so yes Relative Finder would show those beyond 20.
Does Relative Finder - let you filter on only direct ancestors?