WHAT is WRONG, with the "Ideas" Section. ALL 'Topics' = NOTHING, they are ALL 'Blank', NO 'Posts'!?

"Community.FamilySearch" Forum
[ ie. NOT "Moderators" (ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ]
Subject: WHAT is WRONG, with the "Ideas" Section. ALL 'Topics' = NOTHING, they are ALL'Blank, NO 'Posts''!?
This morning ( Tuesday, 27 July 2021 ), my "Local" 'Time' ( UTC +10 ) ...
ALL, the 'Topics', in the "Ideas" Section, are ALL "Blank" = there are NO 'Posts' whatsoever.
Example (One of MANY)
So ...
That Said ...
I ask again ...
Question: WHAT is WRONG, with the "Ideas" Section. ALL 'Topics' = NOTHING, they are ALL'Blank, NO 'Posts''!?
As an aside ...
I have check the particular situation in THREE (x3) different "Browsers" = Same, Same ...
▬ 'Google' "Chrome"
▬ 'Mozilla' "FireFox"
▬ 'Microsoft' "Edge"
ALL, using the "Operating System" of 'Microsoft' "Windows 10", with the 'Latest' versions of each.
And ...
Please, no one, suggest, the "Clearing" the, "Cache"; "Cookies"; or, the "Browsing History" ▬ this should NOT be a requirement.
Please investigate and advise.
'Thank You' in advance.
Submitted for your immediate, information; attention; and, consideration.
Kind Regards.
Yours Faithfully,
This is almost like trying to report a bug in the bug reporting software.
I'm seeing (or rather, not seeing) the same thing as Brett: the Ideas section has gotten borked.
I wonder if it's related to the misdrawn (for lack of a better term) top right menu?
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There is scheduled maintenance planned on the community platform today from 9am-4pm MST. No impact to functionality is expected, just a heads up that there is work being done on the backend. This may have caused the problem. I would wait and check back later to see if there are still issues.
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'Yes' ... that was the 'Catalyst' that prompted this 'Question' ...
(1) That "Help" being 'out of kilter' (ie. 'misaligned'); and,
(2) That "Gap" (ie. 'Highlighted'), at the TOP, under the TOP Line Menu section - I thought that, that was NEW.
I was TRYING, to post, in the "Ideas" Section, under the 'Topic' of "FamilySearch Community" ...
Unfortunately, NO, 'Posts'; and, NO ability to raise a NEW 'Post" ...
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'Thank You' for that.
But ...
That Said ...
A couple of things ...
(1) 'Hm' ... that ... No impact to functionality is expected ... expectation was the wrong assumption
(2) 'Yes' ... I suggest that you are correct ... This may have caused the problem
(3) You say that ... There is scheduled maintenance planned on the community platform today from 9am-4pm MST
I do not quite understand that last ...
I just took a look, at the current 'Time', over in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA ( ie. 'Mountain Time' )
It is currently ... Monday, 26 July 2021 at about 7:30 pm 'Mountain Time' ( UTC -6 )
Do you mean that there WAS Maintenance between 9am-4pm MST?
[ ie. Been and Gone ... ]
Hence, WHY there IS a Problem/Issue.
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Yes the maintenance was done today and according to the message it is finished. I cannot answer why it is still not there, I suggest a wait and see approach. Lets see what it looks like tomorrow.. I have passed my concerns on to others.
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My Feeds is also blank.
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'Yes' ...
I am not a 'Fan' of that "My Feeds" Section ...
I also noticed such, while checking around; but, did not bother to post about it.
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'Heads-Up' ...
It is BACK ...
[ And, that includes ... "My Feeds" ]
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Apologies for the problems experienced. The issues captured in this thread are all resolved at this point, and we're working to prevent future issues as well as better communicate.