Error in US, Iowa—Svenska lutherska kyrkoböcker, församlingsböcker, 1859–1920

I wanted to report an error on the collection "US, Iowa—Svenska lutherska kyrkoböcker, församlingsböcker, 1859–1920".
The death day and year on messed up on the fields.
The description for "Dödsår" (Death year) asks for information on the day, and the description for "Dödsdag" (Death day) asks for a four-digit number on the year.
Best Answer
Good catch! The field titles are correct when you are using the English Language, but, not in Swedish. The field helps are correct in both languages. Perhaps one of the moderators has escalated this problem to the proper channel. Here's a share batch:
In order for us to see the issue with the death dates, we will need a batch code for this particular batch. You can find it at the end of the batch title. Would you post this here? Thank you.
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@KlaRees That is why I included a share batch link in my post. You can click on that see the same issue on that batch. It isn't a problem on a particular batch. It is a problem with the death day and year field titles on the entry forms.
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That may be true, @Melissa S Himes, however, there are times when the fields and the information in the document may not agree and we need to look at that specific batch to ensure that the information is indexed accurately - even if the document is not accurate. Does that make sense?
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@KlaRees The comment is not about the congruency of a document and the indexing. The comment is that the words in Swedish are wrong on the entry form field titles. If you look at the share batch, and use google translate, you will see that the poster has identified a problem in translation of the entry form fields. The same is true on the batch I provided. Does that make sense?
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You are correct, @Melissa S Himes . We will see if we can get this corrected. Thank you for getting through to me! However, it is Always best to include the batch code! Always.
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Yes, the issue has to do with the formatting of the actual indexing interface. You can see here:
On the field for death date (Dödsdag), it is asking for a 4-digit number for the year (år[et] is year in Swedish).
I checked the field helps and am able to work around the error, but this could be confusing for others.
Thanks for your time :)
P.S. I don't have a specific batch number because this is a problem with the actual collection indexing, not just that of a specific batch. If you want to see what's going on, just open a new batch and the same problem will be there.
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This has been corrected. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.