FEEDBACK for password reset, account merges and similar requests

FEEDBACK options
we use to be able to click FEEDBACK and actually create a ticket
now it points to the community - - with no good explanation that this is a new change and what the community really is and how it helps people trying to get feedback.
Sure would be nice if changes like this - that affect almost everyone were somehow explained (in ways and places that most people will actually read)
so what are the plans for things that need more immediate attention and/or need a very specific admin to resolve - as compared to a community post
such as:
help in password resets
account merges or deactivations
reporting of abuse
reporting of inappropriate content
reporting of what appear to be unplanned system outages or things just plain totally broke all of a sudden?
(noting I am not focusing my comments on the community - but rather FS in general)
Thank you for question and comments Dennis.
This feature is still available in Family Search.
Thank you for all the work you do in the ' Community' it is very much noted.
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this is what happens now when you click the FEEDBACK option
it does not allow you to create a case/ticket
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so . . . yes the feedback button still exists . . . just does something totally different than it used to - - and no clear indication of how to directly contact specific support people for very specific needs that require such - as indicated in the original post.
Any plans on changing that????
I sure hope so.
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You may notice that our "Contact Us" page has changed when you access it through the Help Center. The email option is no longer available to create a "case." What were formerly sent as messages that created private cases now are posted as questions or discussions in Community--available for everyone to learn from with the caveat that they should not contain private information. This change provides the advantage that experienced guests, such as yourself, can share the load with your knowledge and you can help in answering questions. Consequent to this change in the support process, the "Feedback" option to "Report a Problem" also directs guests here to Community--as you have pointed out.
Answers to your questions and your "feedback" or problem reports will be provided here in Community--either as public responses to your questions or in the Community private messaging feature.
If we find that the issue requires special handling, the question here will be documented in a separate process and forwarded to the appropriate specialty team for handling. This was done recently for your report of the problem with the "Find" feature for a deceased person. We were able to replicate that issue and we forwarded it for review and remediation and notified you via private messaging here in Community.
For those of you with expertise to answer questions in Community, we do recommend always including a link to the Help Center article that applies to your answer where applicable.
Best Regards
P.S. To speak directly and privately with Support personnel, the phone and chat features are still available and they are published in the revised Contact Us page. If the issue cannot be resolved in the call, chat, or via private messaging in Community, then it will be documented and forwarded as described above.
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but there are, and always will be posts, that just are just not meant for a "public forum" . . .
that is my area of focus - posts that really are not meant to be shared with the public - because they are posts that can only be solutioned by the action of moderators/escalation - and other wise may contain sensitive info.
there are times - when we just don't want "the feedback of experienced guests" - either it is not needed - or just muddies the water.
BUT yes - generally speaking - peer support - is great
but the whole gist here in this specific post - are items where we are not looking for peers sharing their experience - but simply going directly to moderators - who we know have the capacity for needed action.
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and as to help articles - yes sometimes we do . . . and maybe we should do more - I agree
but often we are sharing info from our own past experience that isn't explicitly as detailed in the help center - and thus we prefer sharing our expertise - rather than a generic help article that doesnt have the details that we understand.
also - one of the things that is the most annoying to end users - is when FS person - points to the nearest Help article they can find - with even a remote connection - and then asks the user "does this help"? - when in reality the article has virtually no application to the question at hand.
Im not saying that happens all the time - - but it does happen - and then to compound that frustration - we have cases where that has been done - and THEN the question is closed - so we cant even respond back and tell them - that NO that did not answer our question.
PLEASE encourage other moderators and responders to NOT CLOSE questions - even when they are answered - it just generates a lot of angst - for no good reason at all.
There is nothing wrong with leaving a post "open" and non closed for an indefiinite period of time.
People may want to follow up weeks and months later - and thats ok.
THANKS for all you do!!!
It really is appreciated. we need to work united