Make deceased people private

Hi, In Family Tree, is it possible to change the status of deceased people who you have personally entered from the status of Public to Private?
Best Answer
It is not possible to mark a persons record as Private. All records of living people are Private to protect their identity details. It is only on very rare occasions that a record would be marked as private. Here is information from the attached Knowledge Article:
In Family Tree, data administrators occasionally set a deceased person's record to confidential. The record then moves to the contributor's private space and is visible only to the user who added it. In Family Tree, you can identify a confidential person because the yellow banner contains the heading "Confidential Person."
Administrators mark records as confidential if the ability for the public to view the information could harm the contributor. We do not accept user requests to mark records as confidential.
As the previous contributor stated, it is possible to mark Memories as private (photos, documents, recordings, etc) but as a default they become public so you need to go to your Gallery and mark the relevant items as private if you don't want them seen by others.
Hope this helps!
Regarding your question ' making deceased people from public to private.
It is possible to make a memory private so that only you can see it.
There are third party programs where only your Family Tree stays private. FamilySearch/ Family Tree is used and viewed by millions of quests every day.
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