Place Name Volunteer Project
Hi there, I am in Australia and doing the Volunteer for Place Name assistance. However, I am finding that very few of the Drop Down list actually make sense, if you know the towns, areas, etc. But there is not an option of providing the correct place. Is it perhaps that there is not a local resource with local Australian geographical knowledge? I was forced to Skip 9/10 as I could not commit to any of the options.
Best Answer
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
As a 'Fellow' Aussie from 'Downunder" ...
Please be advised that the 'Place Names' for Australia in 'FamilySearch' NEEDS a lot or work.
The 'Place Names', for Australia, in 'FamilySearch', originally seem to have been put together by those not from "Downunder'; hence, they need a lot of work.
At present, all we can do, is work with what we have.
As an aside ...
IF, you have the 'Time' (and, a good knowledge of "Downunder"); THEN, there is always the opportunity to offer your services, to the "Authorities Team", of the "Standards Team", in 'FamilySearch', to HELP address/fix (ie. work on) the 'Place Names' for (here), "Downunder", in the "Research/Places" Database in 'FamilySearch'.
IF, you do wish to help/assist with such a Project; THEN, let me know here, I will try to get who you should contact.
Just a thought.
Hi Brett, Might be a good idea - I do indexing and reviewing, and this could be a new interesting area to keep me involved. When there isn't anything local to index/review, I just choose random projects, but it is nowhere near as interesting.
I am glad someone else is finding the Aussie things are a bit awry. I actually had to give up on some batches as they were SOO incorrect, I could not bring myself to accept any of the options. Very happy to try to help define place names, etc.
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I know where you are coming from ...
You must be, either, a 'Night-Owl', like me; or, from over in the "West" (or, Both).
I am from the "Eastern Seaboard"; but, have worked and lived over on the "Western Seaboard".
[ Plus, travelled, ALL Around; and, in the 'Middle' ... ]
I will do some more 'digging' ...
[ It is a little after 3:15am; so, I may not get back to you until tomorrow ... ]
But, just quickly, I think this WAS (but, I do not know if it still is) an "E-mail" address to request additions/corrections to the "Research/Places" Database in 'FamilySearch', maybe this might still be valid:
Give that a go.
As I indicated, I think they are the:
Authorities Team; of the Standards Team; (of the "Research/Places" Database); in 'FamilySearch'.
I will 'see' what I can come up with, following some 'digging', after I get some sleep.
I will be in touch
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HI there, Also a night owl on the Locked Down East Coast. Get some sleep.......
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Know it well ... 'Yes' ...
Problem/Issue is that the (Bulk) of the Forum is just starting to wake-up ...
BUSY; Busy; busy ...
Catch you later.
ps: Just trying to finish a few things off ...