What does this mean?

Not knowing exactly where you are seeing this it can mean a few things. Normally the hour glass indicates your computer is waiting to access something. If you can give us more information where you are seeing this we could research it further. For example: is this in an indexing batch (if so we would need a batch number) Is this in a historical or search records? Is this in FamilySearch? Let us know and then we can help more effectively.
You could also just be experiencing a slow internet. You could also possible need to clear cookies and or update your browser. And you may need to reboot your computer.
Here is an article about clearing cookies:
Hopefully this will help. If you can get back to us with more specific's we can help further.
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It means that FS's support mechanisms on these forums are Thoroughly Messed Up.
The most frequent reason for seeing that "dead face" page is that you tried to look at a post that has been made to disappear by a moderator. This is almost always a well-meaning moderator, mind you: he or she was just moving the post somewhere that s/he felt was more appropriate, be that a different fragment of this fractured "community", or a behind-the-scenes support section.
Threads that are moved to a different category shouldn't, in theory, trigger that error page, because done correctly, such a move should leave breadcrumbs/links behind that can simply be followed. However, I'm not sure that the theory always holds, depending on how attentive the moderator was to checking the proper boxes.
Threads that are escalated (moved to one of those behind-the-scenes queues), on the other hand, always trigger the error. When a moderator decides to escalate a question, it and all of its replies become immediately and completely inaccessible. I'm not sure that all moderators realize this.
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I must say it is really discouraging to read that a moderator does not know what this screen is or why it is here when it is moderators that cause this screen. It has absolutely nothing to do with any of the things that @CHold mentioned. This is strictly a Communities problem and there are posts all over the place here complaining about this screen. Such as here: https://community.familysearch.org/en/discussion/comment/265182
There have been comments from moderators that this this is being worked on and have seen signs of a possible solution. It's a tiny step forward in that it no longer looks like your whole system crashed but I still don't like the way it makes it look like a discussion just vanished to nowhere.
This post in Ideas - Other:
Goes to here:
But back to Douglas's question. I see that you, Douglas, highlighted in the blue the word "that." If that is what you were referring to in your question "What does this mean?," that is, your question was actually "What does that 'that' mean?," rather than referring to the entire screen, the sentence ending in "that" more properly should have been written "You don't have permission to access the group to which this post has been moved."
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Did not notice I highlighted 'that'. However your comment about groups is interesting. What Groups do I need permission to access content?
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The specialized groups that are not public because they are specific work groups with specific purposes. They are not really discussion groups. They do not show up under All Groups because they are by invitation only.