Restricted Memories

There has been a lot of discussion recently on community about FamilySearch Memores items being restricted (due to content)
This is an automated process that does a systematic (non human) check of images and other uploaded items to attempt to ensure the item is appropriate.
Note this process is by no means perfect - and one should NOT take offense or feel guilty over getting a restricted message. It will eventually happen to anyone who uploads a large volume of memories - even if they feel all the items are appropriate. This is simply because the process does some times generate "false positives" at times - especially when it "perceives" one thing - when it is really another thing.
Note that when you do have an item restricted - you will get a corresponding email letting you know - PLEASE don't think this is the FamilySEarch Police who are after you and that you are at risk of being pulled form the system. In most cases it will be obvious that there was no intent for inapropriate action. (unless there really was )
In most cases when you are clear that the item really is appropriate - 9 times out o 10 you can simply reply back to the email with only THREE words : (RESTRICTED IN ERROR) - and doing so will result in the image being un-restricted and public.
There has been some question as of late whether the RESTRICTION process was working normally - I actually did some testing today to see if I could actually intentionally trigger a restriction. and indeed I was successful - and I did get an email. People should consider that such emails may go to spam or junk folders
Another related item that i have seen over time - is that if you make modifications to already existing FS Memories items - I believe that this also can RE-trigger the restriction checking process - and thus you might get an email - weeks after you originally posted it.
Things that can trigger restriction action include:
images with copyright, trademark or logos
images with nudity (possibly even partial nudity or immodesty)
images that represent violence (even simple images that may have guns)
People kissing (yes - people kissing) - even if very innocent or modest - this may get flagged
Commercial images that may have watermarks (visible or invisible)
Commercial images that may have copyright flags on the EXIF data on the photo.
images that obviously come from a on line web site - where it is known the image is under copyright,
digital books copyrighted or published since 1923
Even some of the above - if you still think your particular cases is legit - you can reply to the email you get - and "plead your case" for it being un-restricted.
IF YOU are getting restriction messages on a pretty regular basis - this is NOT normal and you should reply back to the email and have them explain specifically what it is you are doing wrong.
also if you have an item that was restricted - BUT you dont feel you got the email - you should be able to generate an email from scratch and send it to : and Im guessing you should be able to successfully get your case reviewed.
BUT IN SHORT - DONT PANIC and dont get offended if you occasionally get a restriction error on your FS Memories upload
The Policy guidelines