My wife and I both descend from different members of the same family (Hopkins) from the Mayflower

Is there a way I can put both of our trees on one page and print it out for our children?
Key question: How many generations out are you?
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Dear DAParker, As we understand you would like to print a generational chart for your children. FamilySearch has set limits for each type of chart. These limits are as follows:
Seven-generation fan chart.
Five-generation portrait chart.
Four-generation pedigree chart.
Photo or story.
The contents of the person page or a time line.
Please refer to the link provided below for specific instructions.
May you have success in your efforts to assist your family on both sides of the veil.
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If more than 7 generations, which is likely, the best bet may be They are a FS partner site so you log in there with your FS username and password. There is a tool to display the shortest path between two PID; it also gives a report of how many other paths there are, and through what persons.
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Thanks for the help. Since we are talking about 11 or 12 generations the FS chart offerings leave a little to be desired. I will try the folks at and see if there is a way to accomplish this.
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RelativeFinder is a great tool for finding weak spots in a tree. I had one ~9 generation tree where most persons had 10-20 sources, but on one side a parent and child both had 0. I found more sources for much of the tree except that one spot. I looked where and when the parent and child supposedly lived: there are ample records, but none for this family. Conclusion: that part of the tree is fantasy.
@DAParker : You can check for problems like this on your table that RelativeFinder produces because it has links back to FT. Print the table and write on it the number of sources attached to each person on it.
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Relative Finder is indeed an option. Family Search also partners with several other softwear programs that can be found by clicking on Solution Gallery, that can be found at the bottom of most of the pages in Family Search. Once a possible program is selected, there is contact information provided for their support, that will allow you to contact them to see if they can accommodate your needs. Some of these programs are free, for some there is a fee. But that option is plainly displayed . To find the contact information, you may have to scroll down , down, watching on the right side for that information. Good luck