Different entries for same person

I have found 2 entries for marriage of Nat Mode 27th May 2810 same church but one is to Jenny Shaw film number 1736979 and the other to Jenny Ashton film number 424861. The only actual image I can find is t9 Jenny Shaw. Does anyone know why this is ??
Are Jenny's parents known?
If not, is it possible that when she married Nat that she was a widow? If that's the case you could be seeing her maiden name on one record and her surname from her first marriage on the other record.
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Are you saying the marriages are the same date?
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I wrote in response to your other version of this question that one of the marriages is the result of an indexing error.
Armed with the film numbers, I need to revise that slightly: it's probably an indexing error, but it may instead be the result of a copyist error.
Film 424861 contains the Parish registers for Mottrom-in-Longdendale, 1559-1988, specifically "Marriages 1754-1837 (another filming)." The accessible-to-non-Mormons version of those records is on Film # 004019065, and the record itself is on image 691 of 915 (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-D5RS-V6P?i=690&cc=1614792&cat=64573).
Film 1736979 contains multiple items, among them Items 7 - 10: Bishop's transcripts for Mottram-in-Longdendale, 1599-1892, specifically "Baptisms, marriages, burials, (another filming) 1751, 1755, 1753, 1758, 1757, 1756, 1759-1760; baptisms, marriages, burials, 1776-1785; 1810-1797 (reverse of chronological order)." This is not accessible online, and there is no other version of 1810 marriages in the bishop's transcripts, so I can't verify what was transcribed.
However, searching the historical records for Nat Mode marrying Jenny in 1810 (and filtering to actually-marriages), I get four results, two each based on the originals and on the transcripts. Both of the transcript-based ones are from the same film, just two different images on it; apparently, the page was re-filmed, and both images were indexed. Both of those entries have Shaw; the one Ashton is based on the Mormon-only filming of the originals.
So my conclusion is that Jenny Ashton is indeed the result of an indexing error, as I originally thought.