Issue with Help

I recently tested a couple of searches in Help after noticing that some persons are not finding what they need in the Help section. Here are two examples:
Did a search on "GEDCOM" to understand the process and policy for importing GEDCOM data. The result I got was about automatic reordering of printer cartridges. It did not even have the word GEDCOM in the text.
Did a search on temple reservation list. I was given the opportunity to See All Results, which I clicked. Got 1,054 hits supposedly on the phrase "temple reservation list" (was shown that the hits were for "temple reservation list" which would indicate an exact phrase search). However, a review of the results shows they were for either the phrase, or any of the 3 words in the search. Additionally, the relevant hits were interspersed with totally unrelated hits such as page 1 hits of American Indian Archives and Libraries, and Dunkirk Chataqua County New York Genealogy. I then tried to reduce the hits by using quotation marks and searching on the exact phrase "temple reservation list". I was NOT given the link to See All Results. I had to use the previous search to access that list and then enter my phrase search. I got 108 hits, which excluded most of the relevant hits from the previous search. Only two results on page 1 are related to the Temple Reservation List.
I would certainly like to reduce the load on the Community responders for questions that should be easily answered in HELP. In order to do that, we have to be able to find the answers in HELP.
One trick that will help you find what you want is to put quotes around the phrase that you are searching. When I did, I had no problem. I got 24 answers for "GEDCOM". It could also be your browser or the need to delete cookies and cache from your computer.
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Dear Sheryl Neal Slaughter
Thank you for contacting FamilySearch.
You stated that you did a search for GEDCOM in Help and got an answer about reordering printer cartridges. Is suggested that you clear your cookies and cached files. To do so, press Control + Shift + Delete, choose cookies and cached files, then clear data. Close tab, refresh screen and try again. You may need to change browsers or shut down the computer for five minutes.
Hope this helps.
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I wasn't specifically searching for the information. I was trying to determine the validity of issues reported. Clearly, the issues are there. Putting quotation marks around "GEDCOM" should not make any difference in a search engine as it is a single word. Quotation marks are used to tie multiple words together as an exact phrase.
I delete cookies and history every time I close my browser, so that is not the issue.
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You know, it isn't always cookies and history. No offense, but hearing that as the proposed answer for so many issues with FamilySearch gets really old. I clear my history and cookies every time I close my browser. Further, it seems that FamilySearch works best in Chrome, so I use it. I have way more issues with FS in Firefox, so I changed. I'm not willing to bounce back and forth between browsers for every issue that pops up.
If the programmers are developing for best performance with a specific browser, it would be helpful to know that.
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Regarding issue 1 above: Searching for GEDCOM.
Since others are getting the GEDCOM hits, I spent a little more time with that. Here is what I found:
If I enter the word GEDCOM into the search box and immediately hit RETURN, I get the Printer hit. If I enter the word GEDCOM and wait 5-10 seconds for the categories to populate in the HOVER list before hitting RETURN, it brings up the first category of the HOVER list as the result.
So, it appears to be the length of time before hitting RETURN in the search box that determines which result you get. This indicates a probable programming issue that presents an erroneous result before the results of the search are identified and populated.
I have been able to reproduce this issue with a search on the word ORDINANCE, which presents an immediate result of Family Tree Lite and on the word MERGE, which gave an immediate result of persons presumed dead.
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Regarding issue 1 above: Searching for GEDCOM.
Since others are getting the GEDCOM hits, I spent a little more time with that. Here is what I found:
If I enter the word GEDCOM into the search box and immediately hit RETURN, I get the Printer hit. If I enter the word GEDCOM and wait 5-10 seconds for the categories to populate in the HOVER list before hitting RETURN, it brings up the first category of the HOVER list as the result.
So, it appears to be the length of time before hitting RETURN in the search box that determines which result you get. This indicates a probable programming issue where the search engine is returning a result before the engine has searched for and identified the appropriate results.
I have been able to reproduce this issue searching on the word ORDINANCE, which returned an immediate result of Family Tree Lite and searching on the word MERGE, which returned an immediate result of Persons presumed dead.
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Replicated all of your searches with the correct articles coming up as I typed in the word, for example I only got as far as GED and all the GEDCOM articles populated.
The advice to delete cookies and temporary internet files usually corrects most problems people have using the program if it does not respond as it should.
I would presume that your browser was up to date as you seem to be very efficient and clued up using your computer.
Sorry you are having this experience not sure what the answer is unless it has something to do with your internet speed or your firewall.
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Regarding the use of specific browsers: Many of those using FamilySearch/FamilyTree do use Chrome but there is a huge number of users who also prefer or refuse to use Chrome and use Firefox only and have excellent experiences with this browser. There are also those who use Safari and find that it almost always works well for them.
One of the features that many are not aware of is that if you click the circled question mark, the page you are on has a significant influence on what articles will show up in your list and especially at the top of your list.
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Even those who have searched (on a regular basis) for articles in the Help Center to help other guests find that it can often be difficult. We are working with FamilySearch to see if they can may it easier for quests to complete a search in help. Some tips:
1) Search by topic
2) enter key words in (parenthesis)
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Thanks, @DebDT . This does not solve the issue with presenting incorrect and totally unrelated search results during slow search submissions.
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To Sherry Lynn: In regard to using Help Center to search for articles of instruction, Your observations are correct. But please be aware there are 2 Help Center options. One, when you first click on the circle with the ? mark, and the other is to scroll to the bottom of the pop up. The bottom Help Center is often more responsive to quotation marks, and general search terms.
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The "Help" (and, also the "Help Centre") in 'FamilySearch' has always been problematic over the years.
In fact, the "Help" (and, also the "Help Centre") was 'coined' (and, refereed to as) the "helpLESS Centre" in the OLD 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum, over the years.
There have by, MANY, Many, many, attempts over the years to address/fix the "Help" (and, also the "Help Centre").
The latest iteration of "Help" (and, also the "Help Centre") has certainly been an improvement.
And, I totally understand that the ("Umbrella") Programme of 'FamilySearch', is so large and vast, encompassing MANY Parts [ie. "Family Tree"; (Records) "Search"; "Memories"; "Indexing"; (Church) Tenants; and, "Research Help" (eg. Wiki); plus, more] that, I for one, do not, envy the task at hand, of making the "Help" (and, also the "Help Centre") in 'FamilySearch', easy to use; and, user friendly.
But ...
That said ...
As you have indicated, there are still major problems/issues that need addressing/fixing.
As an aside ...
Can I humbly suggest that you REPOST, this matter that you have raised/posted here in this "Q and A" Section; as a Problem/Issue (and, with any suggested enhancements), in the "Ideas" Section, under the "Topic" of "General User Interface".
What you have raised/post is so "Very" IMPORTANT.
The "Help" (and, also the "Help Centre") definitely NEEDS to be MORE 'user friendly', for the "Average" (and, especially, the "Inexperienced") User/Patron.
The "Average" (and, especially, the "Inexperienced") User/Patron, would NOT, be aware of; or, even, go to the extent that you have identified; nor, what has been suggested in regard to the "Help Centre".
Just my thoughts.