Ordinances Ready and Filter Options
The feature Ordinances Ready leaves much to be desired. I just clicked on it on my phone and then checked out the first two ancestors listed there. The first one's parents have not had all their ordinances completed. We are always told we are supposed to do the ordinances in the correct order, so Ordinances Ready should not suggest the sealing of a child to its parents if the parents have not had their ordinances completed. The second ancestor on my list is someone whose sealing to parents I have already printed. If I did simply go by my Ordinances Ready, I might easily print the same card and duplicate the ordinances. I know these two cases are not exceptions. This is why I don't use the Ordinances Ready feature.
I would also like to suggest that the Filter options under Temple - My Reservations be changed so I can click on "Not printed" and "Perform Next." If I click on one of these options, the other one is deactivated. Please make it possible to filter by both options at the same time.
Thank you!
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
Great suggested enhancement, to be able to use (ie. select) more than one "Filter", at a time, in our ("Temple") "Reservation" List; especially, the, "Not Printed"; and, "Perform Next", options.
As an aside ...
I totally understand you concerns regarding "Temple" Work being performed 'out of order'.
Whereas, there are a number of reason why, "Temple" Work, have been; &/or, are, performed 'out of order'.
But ...
That said ...
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
Correct order of temple ordinances
Where it states (among other things):
Whenever possible, parents should be sealed to each other before the children are sealed to the parents.
Although vicarious ordinances performed out of sequence are valid, they become effective only after the prerequisite ordinances are completed.
Furthermore ...
As has been often proffered in previous version of this Forum ...
The important things to, take note of; and, remember, from that "Knowledge Article" are:
▬ Whenever possible
▬ Although vicarious ordinances performed out of sequence are valid, they become effective only after the prerequisite ordinances are completed
[ No one is perfect ... nothing is set in stone/concrete ... ]
And ...
Just as importantly ...
The actual "Ordinance", of "Sealing to Parents", specifically relates to the CHILD; and, NOT, to the "Parents".
Now ...
As to, already having "Printed" a "Temple" 'Card' ...
Unless something had "Changed" with "OrdinancesReady" ...
As far as I was aware ...
IF, you have ALREADY "Printed" a "Temple" 'Card', for the individual/person; THEN, even if "OrdinancesReady" advises you that an "Ordinance" IS available, "OrdinancesReady" ALSO advises you that you have ALREADY "Printed" a "Temple" 'Card', for that individual/person, for that "Ordinance".
Well ... it used to ... unless, something has changed ...
Finally ...
And, this is very IMPORTANT ...
The "OrdinancesReady" feature/function/facility, is ONLY really, for those Members of the Church, who are going for a "Temple" Visit, that day of the next; and, DO NOT, have, any "Temple" Work, with 'Cards' that ARE "Printed", 'on-hand'.
[ "OrdinancesReady" is ONLY really a 'quick fix' (and, of course, 'easy fix') for such a situation ... ]
Furthermore ...
"OrdinancesReady", is NO substitute, for proper "Temple and Family History" Work; where, such "Temple" Work, WITH 'Cards' that are ALREADY "Printed", SHOULD be 'On-Hand', well BEFORE any (planned) "Temple" Visit.
I hope this helps.
Again, great suggested enhancement, to be able to use (ie. select) more than one "Filter", at a time, in our "Reservation" List; especially, the, "Not Printed"; and, "Perform Next", options.
Just my thoughts, with the other.