I need to learn how to access passenger lists of ships LEAVING New York. Especially in the 1920s.
Click on the "?" mark in the upper right of this web page, in the lower left of the pop up, click on "Help Center", in the search key in: "genealogy help", you should get a result: Where can I get help with my genealogy?
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Hello Nancy Wawro.
I find the best way to search for records is to use the FamilySearch Research Wiki. If you will click on Search, go to the drop down menu and click on Research Wiki. When you reach the Wiki, type in Emigration. It will take you to several sections on emigration and immigration records. One is "Atlantic Coast Ports (section Atlantic Coast Emigration and Immigration)" and another is "New York Emigration and Immigration (category New York Emigration and Immigration)." That is always a good place to start searching records that you are looking for. There are a lot more Immigration records (entering the US) than Emigration records (leaving the US) in Family Search. I wish you well in your search.