Ancestry And Family Search/Family Tree
For some unknown when we are doing research on family members on ancestry or someone has removed the Cancel Page option at the Bottom of the pages on pages like Census, Birth, Marriages. This is a big problem because the only way you can research further you have to cancel that page manually. So, when you do this then you have to go back in ancestry, and reset your search parameters and you have to start over again. Like I Say this is a big problem.
To clarify your question, are you actually on the website and it is missing a "cancel page" option? If this is the case, you need to call Ancestry and talk to them. Ancestry is a partner with FamilySearch but FamilySearch does not have any control over their website.
For help using the partner account, please contact the partner. You may also be able to get help at a family history center or from your family history consultant .
The following contact information for our partners is provided as a courtesy and may not be current.
- Online:
- Email:
- Phone: The number varies depending on what country you are in. For a list of phone numbers, visit
We hope this helps. If you are referring to something on a FamilySearch page that is missing, please give details below. Thanks!