Secure Messaging Attachments
Attachments placed on messages should not be saved in our Gallery. They should be saved in Secure Messaging a long with the text.
I have been using Family Search for many years and when I had a problem I could go to Feedback and resolve the problem. This option seems to have disappeared recently.
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I am just another 'Lowly, User/Patron.
Unlike, yourself, who is a "Moderator".
Please explain what you mean.
As far as I was aware ...
"Attachments"; and, "Images", that we "Send" in "User Messaging" of 'FamilySearch', DO NOT, get "Saved" to Our "Gallery" in 'FamilySearch'.
Well, such has been the case for me.
"Attachments"; and, "Images", that we "Upload" in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, on either, our "Posts"; and/or, our "Answers"/"Responses" to others "Posts", DO NOT, get "Saved" to Our "Gallery" in 'FamilySearch'.
Well, such has been the case for me.
And, I have been "Uploading" MANY, "Attachments"; and, "Images", in this "Community.FamilySearch".
Question: Are you referencing something entirely different, other that, (1) "User Messaging" of 'FamilySearch'; and/or, (2) "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
So ...
That said ...
Again, please expand upon exactly what you mean.
So as, to help stop any confusion with regard to your post.
'Thank You' in advance.
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Yes Brett you are mistaken. Do you really think we would post a feedback issue without testing the fact that an attachment you send in Secure Messaging is indeed saved to your own Memory Gallery???
I clearly posted SECURE MESSAGING. Community does not have Secure Messaging. Secure Messaging is only on FamilySearch Family Tree.
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Interesting. I've never had a reason to send anything in a message. Here is what happens:
And here is the attachment in my Gallery:
Couple of things to note. When hovering over the paper clip that usually means Attach, you see this:
It does clearly say what is going to happen. The framed picture icon says "Attach a Memory." So the design is not to send attachments like one would in a regular e-mail but specifically to share items in Memories.
The Help Center article about this does say this is exactly what is going to happen: This article also states that items attached here are screened just like any other Memory and have to follow the guidelines for Memories.
It looks like the image does also stay with the message and can be clicked on for viewing at any time.
So what you want is a new feature, a forth icon, that acts like a traditional e-mail attachment. Would you want to have the item downloadable by the recipient? Sounds like a reasonable and useful request for the engineers to consider for a future update to the messaging system.
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Yes. Exactly what I was trying to say. I write like talk; straight to the point. I like what you have added to my post.
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Thanks for posting this and letting me learn something new today. We were frequently assured in past versions of these community boards that all questions were seen and all appropriate requests were forwarded to the proper FamilySearch departments for consideration, not just left here for us users to ramble on about. So I would expect your request to reach the programming engineers. However, if programming changes are made in response to requests here, the process of design, programming, testing, and final release seems to take from six months to a couple of years depending on the urgency of the matter.
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Many changes have happen over the last year and a half. Our poor Engineers have been very busy. Looks like they won't be slowing down anytime soon.
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'No' ...
I was NOT mistaken ...
I was merely confused, as to which "Messaging", that you were referencing, in 'FamilySearch'
[ ie. "User Messaging" in 'FamilySearch'; or, "Messaging" within this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ]
And, as to whether, as you suggest, that this "Community/FamilySearch" Forum, DOES NOT have a "Form" of "Secure" messaging, that is debatable.
So, again, with ALL the "Changes" going on within, 'FamilySearch'; and, this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, the "Messaging" that you were referencing COULD have been either.
And, obviously, I was not the only one who was somewhat confused ...
Granted, I have NOT "Sent" a "Message", in "User Messaging" in 'FamilySearch', WITH an "Attachment" (and/or, an "Image") of late.
[ Certainly NONE, where such "Attachments" (and/or, "Images") were "Saved" to my "Gallery" ... ]
Plus, I was NOT questioning WHAT you have 'found' (ie, with your "Testing"), merely in WHICH 'Messaging' facility/function you were referring.
So ...
That said ...
From the "Testing" (with "Images"), as proffered here by 'Gordon', it would appear that there has been a SIGNIFICANT "Change" (ie. "Shift") in the way "Attachments" (and/or, "Images") are HANDLED in "User Messaging" in 'FamilySearch'.
Which is confirmed by the "Knowledge Article" (recently 'Dated': 20 April 2020) in 'FamilySearch'; as, also, proffered by 'Gordon'.
It would appear that such "Change"/"Shift", is now more in-line with, the way that, "Image" MODERATION, works in, "Memories"; and, the NEW Platform of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum (Of course, the latter, with the EXCEPTION of NOT being "Saved" to one's "Gallery" - who know, possibly, in the future).
Furthermore ...
It would appear that such has been 'implemented' to make it easier for us to "Share" the "Memories" in our "Gallery", through "User Messaging" in 'FamilySearch'; and, as well as, a place for a "Copy" of them, to be "Stored", if they were NOT originally in/from our "Gallery", just in case we need to access them again/later.
Not a bad idea ...
And, 'par for the course', really ...
Just my thoughts.
And, of course ...
'Thank You' so much for, the 'Heads-Up'; and, bringing such to our attention.
It certainly would have been, a 'Shock to the System', to come across this for the first time, without any prior warning (but, that said, certainly NOT unusual in 'FamilySearch').