Make the image toolbar moveable or hide-able.
When indexing, the area closest to the data entry pane is exceptionally valuable as it decreases the distance the eye must travel between the image and the data entry pane. Plopping the image manipulation toolbar in that prime real estate seems like a poor decision. Can that toolbar be moved elsewhere or removed from the image view altogether?
Visually, it is a very large distraction, especially when the mouse triggers a hover action.
Hi Ryan. I have wished for (and asked for) move-ability of the brightness and contrast tool from the vertical toolbar. With regards to the whole vertical toolbar, it currently always sits on the left of the screen, so if you are using Form Entry Mode, notice the 3 dots in the blue band at the top of the data entry panel with the words “Image 1 of 1” or Image x of y if your batch has more than one image. If you click on the 3 dots you will see the option to move the entry panel Right (or Left if you’ve already moved it Right). That move to the Right will get that vertical image manipulation toolbar out from between your image and the entry panel, because it stays parked on the left as you move the entry panel right. Not exactly what you want, but perhaps an acceptable workaround. Good luck.