What happens to sources that were attached after a merge if that merge is undone?

I noticed recently that another user has merged a PID that I’ve worked on which was quite a substantial profile with a PID they created that same day. With a bit more investigation I’ve found they’ve done this for at least one other associated PID (the husband). Whilst, theoretically, the match is correct for both merges, as they’ve kept the 2021 PIDs they have effectively archived change logs that date back to 2012.
I personally find the change logs enormously useful to further research and accuracy checking of PIDs, so I’m of a mind to undo the merge and immediately re merge but this time retaining the older and more complete PID. However, the same user has since attached a number of correctly associated sources to the surviving PID and I realised I’m unsure what will happen to those if I proceed with restoring the deleted (or archived due to merge if we’re being semantic about it) PID.
I’ve had to untangle multiple messy incorrect merges in the past, but haven’t come across this particular issue, so am hoping the community might have some light to shed.
'Yes' ... that is EAXCTLY what I would DO; and, in fact, what I (often) DO ...
Depending on the situation/circumstances ...
I either,
▬ "Unmerge" them; OR,
▬ if there is NO "Unmerge", I "Restore" the "Deleted" (in fact, "Archived" individual/person).
And ...
Once that is done ...
I then "Remerge"/"Recombine" them, with the Older/Original individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' as the "Surviving" individual/person.
As to "Sources" attached, to either ...
When you "Remerge"/"Recombine" them you will be presented with the ability to "Move" the "Sources" from the individual/person who will be "Deleted" (in fact, "Archived" individual/person) to the "Surviving" individual/person.
When you effect such a "Move", do not worry that SOME "Sources" will appears a "Duplicates".
That situation will fix itself when the "Merge"/"Combine" is finalised - there will NOT be DUPLICATED "Sources".
So ...
That said ...
In answer to you concern ...
Those LATER "Sources", (recently) attached by the Other User/Patron, to the previously "Surviving" individual/person, provided you effect the "Remerge"/"Recombine" correctly, WILL migrate to the newly "Surviving" individual/person that you create.
I hope this helps.
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Hello @RaniM
Here is a Help Center article on merging.
What happens to sources, memories, notes, and the life sketch in Family Tree after a merge?
Article Id: 931, Published September 28, 2020 Sources, photos, stories, documents, audio files, notes, and discussions all merge automatically. After the merge, you may need to detach any that no longer apply.
A life sketch does not automatically merge. During the review merge process, you can choose which life sketch to keep.
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Hola RanyM espero esto te pueda ayudar.
En familySearch se pueden agregar fuentes de los registros digitales que se encuentran en FamilySearch, dependiendo de las restricciones de la imagen, usted puede imprimirla o descargarla digitalmente.
Le comparto un artículo donde le dice cómo hacerlo: "Cómo imprimir una parte seleccionada de una imagen en Registros históricos
Para abrir la fuente desde la página de la persona en FamilySearch vaya a la parte de las fuentes, en la parte de abajo de cada fuente dice "Ver fuente" en color azul. dele click para ver más información de la fuente
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@RaniM, as I read your original post, I understand your concern about users who have created a new record for someone who is already in Family Tree before they discover that their new record is a duplicate. When they merge the duplicate record from their new record, that becomes the surviving record, and as you have said, it is harder to get to the Latest Changes which track everything that was done on the record which has now been deleted through the merge.
Please don't be discouraged if this happens because you can do one of two things.
1) You can restore the deleted record and merge the other way which will allow the new record to be the one that is deleted leaving the older record as the surviving record.
2) You can click on the name on the deleted record, then go to the Person page that represents that record. In the information about that record, you will see the Latest Changes for the record that was deleted and should be able to carefully track anything that is connected to the record that was deleted. This type of investigation is most helpful especially when the merge introduced incorrect information. I love that the person who responded before me provided the link to explain how to fix incorrectly merged records. This additional knowledge article explains how to restore a deleted record if you wish to simply reverse which one will be deleted from the system.