Caroline Hawks is NOT a sibling of Posie Rector Hawks, my father.

Please remove Caroline Hawks from the tree. I was unable to remove the name.
Thank You
Best Answers
The problem here is that the 1940 census source (at clearly shows the name of Caroline H Hawks, aged 24, daughter of Friel and Alice Hawks. On the other hand, the 1930 census (at shows a son of this couple, aged 15, whose name has been indexed as "Charlie H". The original recording of the name - looks to me like "Starley" - has been altered in the document, to what appears to be "Carlie H" rather than "Charlie H" and death records indicate the full name of "Carlie Harmon Hawks", without any sex being indicated.
If you have direct knowledge there was no Caroline (female), but this should be Carlie (male), you need to detach Caroline's relationship to these parents. Unfortunately you cannot delete her from Family Tree. Your best action is, from the page of Friel Cagel Hawks (LHYN-ZT1) go down to Caroline's name and click on the pencil icon. Then click on "Remove or Replace" (child). Check (tick) the statement reading "I have reviewed the relationships, sources, and notes for these individuals", then click on "Remove Parents". Provide a reason statement for your action in the box, before (finally) clicking on "Remove". This action will take the name from the list of Friel and Alice's children.
I could have completed this task for you myself, but naturally I do not know the details of this family, so have no evidence that would have justified my actions. I am sure you will ensure you are 100% sure of the facts before removing Caroline - especially in view of the details shown in the 1940 census.
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I have just thought of another way of dealing with this. On the understanding you know there was no person (female) in your family named Caroline H Hawks, you could change the sex on "her" ID to male, then merge that record with the ID for (the male) Carlie Harmon Hawks.
I would not usually consider giving this advice - especially when an official record (the 1940 census, in this case) so clearly lists the name as Caroline and the sex as female. However, you obviously know your family better than the official who recorded this detail, so perhaps this is the best action (merging the two IDs) to take.
Thanks for the help. Very much an amateur, I so appreciate the assistance!
Hopefully, I completed the merge correctly.
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