Editing Family tree
This may be an easy answer. I hope so. How do I move mistakes i may have made in creating the tree. For instance , under my parents is the branch for children. i mistakenly added my wife and wish to move it to the correct area on the tree. How do I do that? There doesn't seem to be an edit button or I am missing it on the page.
Peter Collins
Best Answers
Go the help system and search for the articles "How do I correct child-parent relationships in Family Tree?" and/or "A person in Family Tree has the wrong spouse"
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The button for editing relationships is a bit hidden. Go to your wife where she is under your parents. In the box with her name, off on the right margin is an icon that looks like a piece of paper and a pencil. Click on it to open the fly-out relationship window. Now next to her name you will see a link that says "Remove or Replace." Click on this to remove or replace the set of parents that show for her here.
At the right hand corner of her page is a quick edit. You only need to delete her from the tree and add her where you wish her to be.
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You can "Edit" Relationships, either, 'Couple'; and/or, 'Parent-Child', by selecting the "Pencil" 'Icon' next to the 'right-hand-side' of, either, the 'Couple'; and/or, 'Child', in the "Family Members" Section.
Once selected you can, "Add"; or, "Remove"; or, "Replace" ...
Now ...
That said ...
In you case ...
Under the "Parents and Siblings" ...
Select that "Pencil" 'Icon' next to your 'Wife' with your Parents ...
"Edit" Parent-Child Relationship
Either "Remove" or "Replace" the WRONG "Parents" ...
Here is a "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch":
How do I correct parent-child relationships in Family Tree?
I hope this helps.
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Mine doesn’t offer that paper and pen looking icon. I accidentally added someone as my father, what I was trying to do is say he is related to my father. I have tried everything I can’t fix it.
also the app just hangs 3 days already saying ‘building pedigree’.
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You may consider clearing the cookies and the temporal files of you browser. See the article from the help center.
I hope this solves your problem
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Post has been edited to remove personally identifiable information.