I tried to add a document to the group. This is a photo of a document, that I would like translated
@Michelle Rendelman1
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ...
IF, you are referring to "Insert" an "Image" of a "Document" into a 'Question'/'Post' in this Forum; THEN, ...
Pictorially ...
Choose the "File" of the "Image" (ie. "Document"), then insert.
It may take a few moments to appear.
I hope this helps.
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Related 'Question' ...
How do I add a document to the group. I just tried. Upload was not accepted. It is a photo of a document. How do I upload? Is there a size restriction. Thank you.
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@Michelle Rendelman1
I encountered a "Moderation" ISSUE while posting my "Images" above.
Perhaps, that is what you encountered.
I had to keep persisting.
Closing the "Moderation" 'Message'; &, selecting Ask/Answer, till it went through.
At one stage I even got an "E-mail" = "Image Not Allowed".
A "Computer" 'looks' as such "Images" we add, not a person.
Sometimes, the "Computer" decides it is contrary to the "Code of Conduct".
IF, the "Image" is of a HIGH "Quality";
THEN, try a LOWER "Quality" format, to REDUCE File size.
[ eg. .bmp (ie. "Bitmap") ]
I hope this helps.
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@Michelle Rendelman1
Question: Is that the "Document" you were have trouble uploading?
Germany Genealogy Research
Hello, I am new to the group. Can someone kindly translate this document for me? Thank you.
IF, so; THEN, it appears you got it to work