Strange info when attaching from source suggestion
Recently whilst attempting to attach information to people the information has been contradictory. Timothy Jones GHCR-V9D and his siblings. 1911 census correctly states birthplace as Kilbrogan Bandon County Cork. however it also gives this location as birth place. R'Kiz Trarza Mauritania which is clearly wrong. This also happened with the Murphy family MR5J-P5D, GH2L-I5K,GH2G-M5F, with the same place in Mauritania coming up. how can I get rid of this and is it likely to happen again? or I doing something wrong?
@Haughton Haughton
DO NOT panic ...
Short Answer: 'NO', your are NOT doing ANYTHING Wrong ...
Unfortunately, that "Birthplace" is SIMPLY ... "Co Cork".
That is WHAT is on the Record' so, that is WAHT is "Indexed".
["Indexers" can ONLY 'Enter' WHAT is on the Record, they CANNOT embellish...]
(or, in another way, they CANNOT extrapolate ...)
The "System" (ie. 'FamilySearch') is TRYING to HELP suggest a "Standard"; but, with just "Co Cork", the "System" has NO HOPE.
Whereas ...
IF, the "Indexed" Record was allowed to be embellished/extrapolated; THEN, that would another matter ...
Take a look at the DIFFERENCE if the "Birthplace" was "Indexed" ( with the INCLUSION of the Country ) as ""Co Cork, Ireland" ...
ALL "Systems" have "Limitations", you CANNOT make a "System" 'foolproof' ...
The "System" has NO idea where "Co Cork" is in the World ...
"Co Cork" could be ANYWHERE in the World ...
You are DOING the RIGHT THING by embellishing/extrapolating the "Birthplace" WHILE "Attaching" the "Source".
All is well ...
Just keep it up ...
Keep on, keeping on ...
I hope this helps.
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Off the top of my head, each and every census in the British Isles will not include the country of birth if it's the same country that the census is taking place in. The instructions for this 1911 Census of Ireland, actually state at the top of the birth-place column "If in Ireland, state what County or City; if elsewhere state the name of the Country". (My emphasis).
That means that the country of birth only appears if the person was not born in Ireland.
Therefore the birthplace "Co. Cork" must be understood as meaning "Co. Cork, Ireland".
Now, all censuses in the British Isles follow this pattern, IIRC, so how come other censuses seem to work OK without invoking strange places?
And how come "Co Cork" matches "R'Kiz, Trarza, Mauritania" before it matches "Cork, County Cork, Ireland"??? Particularly when "Cork" matches "Cork, County Cork, Ireland"? (Not that "Cork, County Cork, Ireland" is correct, but it's a bit better!)
Stranger and stranger...