My GEDCOM not connected to family tree

When I sign in and click on my name it asks me to begin entering info which is already in the GEDCOM. Why is that?
Because your gedcom would have been uploaded to the Genealogies section not directly into Family Tree. You will need to go into the Genealogies and specifically to your uploaded gedcom and add over living individuals that you have there into the Family Tree. This will be one-by-one, but you shouldn't need to type, you should be able to click through the add
Go to Genealogies and scroll down until you can click the Submit My Tree button. On the next page, below the Upload My Tree banner you will see all gedcoms which you have uploaded. Choose the one you want to work with and click View to the right of the gedcom name.
At this point your gedcom should have been processed...which means each individual in your gedcom has been searched for automatically in Family Tree. The options to the left will help you work through the individuals and add new or additional information from your gedcom into Family Tree, either to a deceased individual that already exists or to a new individual (living or dead) that does not yet exist in Family Tree.
Where you are not seeing any information in Family Tree, I'd start by working through any of the Invalid and Living records to add your parents and any living grandparents, working back to where you can see them connect to deceased individuals in the Already in Family Tree category.
For more help and guidance on 'Comparing' gedcoms to Family Tree, when you are on the Submit My Tree page, you can click the Help button to show several articles explaining more about the process and limitations of working with gedcoms on FamilySearch.