My center is closed. Do I need to do anything special to the computers and printers?

We have 3 Windows 10 computers and a Lexmark MX611dhe mono MFP printer. Do I need to do anything special to keep them prepared for when we reopen?
Best Answer
This procedure was recommended in the FHC Technical Support (North America) Group:
If you can gain access to your Family History Centre, working within your local Pandemic regulations, it would be great if you could run all the needed Windows Updates on your computer, including the Hardware Updates.
Some of the older model computers can now be Upgraded to Windows 10 Pro, using the FHC v4 Image , but check with FamilySearch Support about this.
Some of the newer computers may have failed the initial boot and are not working. You can re-install these with Windows 10 pro FHC v4 Image. Do contact Support to find out how to do this.