Problem with Read Only section
I was looking at former First Lady Michelle Obama's family tree while reading her book. There are several issues with her father, Frazier Robinson, III (96YY-QZV). There is another ID to merge, his wife has a source to add that gives her maiden name, and somehow, a child is listed who was born in the 1880s. There are several other issues among others listed as Read Only, so I cannot make the necessary changes. I really hope someone will fix these problems. Thank you.
"Read-Only" individuals/persons are set as such for SPECIFIC reasons.
There are NO problems/issues with having "Read-Only" individuals/persons.
YOU CAN "Request" (obvious) ERRORS to be addressed/fixed in "Read-Only" individuals/persons.
Any User/Patron CAN submit a 'FamilySearch' "Support" Case to have an (obvious) ERROR addressed/fixed for "Read-Only" individuals/persons - I have done so myself.
'No', you CANNOT personally do the work; but, you can certainly have such errors addressed/fixed.
But ...
That said ...
ESPECIALLY, those Users/Patrons who ARE "Living" Descendants of "Read-Only" individuals/persons, CAN submit a 'FamilySearch' "Support" Case to have all/various matters addressed/fixed for "Read-Only" individuals/persons.
In any case, it SHOULD really be the Users/Patrons who ARE the "Living" Descendants (or, close relatives) of "Read-Only" individuals/persons that submit such 'FamilySearch' "Support" Cases, for general matters.
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
What are read-only records in Family Tree?
So ...
That said ...
Having 'People of Note' (ie. 'Famous People'), in History, who are "Deceased" individuals/persons, in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', that are "Ready-Only", IS a 'necessary evil', to STOP Users/Patrons, who are NOT related, to those individuals/persons, from 'hijacking' the 'Work' on those individuals/persons (to whom they themselves are NOT related).
The 'Work' for 'People of Note' (ie. 'Famous People'), in History, who are "Deceased" individuals/persons, in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' SHOULD be restricted to the domain/purview of their "Living" Descendants - not just anyone.
Just my thoughts.
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"Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
What are read-only records in Family Tree?
Where it states (among other things):
Reporting an error in a read-only record
If you find an error in a read-only record, please contact FamilySearch Support. Due to the specialized work required to resolve this type of issue, you will receive the fastest response if you submit your request using our online form. In your message, provide the following information:
• Category: Family Tree
• Subject: Read only
• Message:
- Your FamilySearch username and helper number.
.. This information is in your FamilySearch Account settings.
- Your relationship to the individual needing attention.
- The case number.
.. If you previously contacted us about this problem,
.. the case number helps us find the information you have already provided to us.
- Information to help us find the person whose record is in question.
.. Include the person’s name, birth date, and ID number.
.. Also include the ID number and birth date of any other individuals involved.
- An explanation of what is wrong.
- Correct data.
.. Explain how the data should read and why we should change it.
- Supporting documentation.
.. Documentation is helpful and very often necessary.
Just for info.