Bright and Contrast pop up window
Could the Bright and Contrast pop up window be movable, or be able to move sideways or up and down. Actually, this pop up window appears after clicking the Adjust image icon on the vertical toolbar menu and it stays on the center of the screen. The record to index is beneat it and is no much visible to continue indexing with this pop up open. If we can keep it open and able to move it out of the way of the record would be so much easier to index speacially those beautiful old writings records without having to come back again and again to open this window to adjust bightness or contrast.
Modal windows strike again!
People have been complaining about this for a long time now but it just seems to get worst. The use of modal windows is totally inappropriate in nearly all applications I've ever seen on the FS website.
There must be some kind of software advantage to their use by the software designers because they just keep using them over and over and over. But from an application and usability standpoint, they only create problems IMHO. I can't begin to remember all of the times I've been entering data and then had to trash it all, get out of the stupid modal window to see information that I was needing, and then starting all over again. I've had to interrupt a modal window session multiple times for entering the same data on occasion.
Now, if I know that I'm going to be forced to use a modal window, I have to enter all my text in another text editing tool and then when finished, copy and paste it into the modal window.
I really wish that FS would just ban the use of those ridiculous things and encourage better design for appropriate application user interfaces.
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florgenovevamiller1 ( and 'FamilySearch' )
Related 'Post" in this (New) "IDEAS" ('Feedback') Forum.
Make the "Adjust Image" pop up window moveable. ... 27 December 2020
Make the window for Brightness and contrast adjustment that pops up when you click on "Adjust Image" moveable. It sometimes is helpful to leave this window open since it is necessary to adjust the image when reviewing different parts of the image. The window gets over the parts of the image that I am reviewing and I have to either move the window or "Apply" the changes for the window to close.
Leaving the window open allows me to not have to continually open, adjust the brightness and/or contrast, and then apply it to get the window out of the way.