Suggestions for updating Recommended Tasks in web browsers.
Kenneth Andrew Lee said: I feel like accessing recommended tasks on an app is much easier than from inside a web browser. There is no button that says "take me back to recommended tasks" once a record is attached, ordinances printed, etc... from within the web browser format. I would also be nice to be able to open a web page dedicated solely to recommended tasks so as to be able to give them better undivided attention.
Tom Huber said: Welcome to the community-powered feedback forum for FamilySearch. FamilySearch personnel read every discussion thread and may or may not respond as their time permits. We all share an active interest in using the resources of this site and as users, we have various levels of knowledge and experience and do our best to help each other with concerns, issues, and/or questions.
The browser version allows a person to open the person in a new tab or window.
1. Select the name of the person for which a recommended task appears. This opens the summary card.
2. Right-click on "Person" in the summary card. This allows you to select the option of opening the person's profile in its own tab or window:
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