We need an easy visual way to know that a person has discussions posted on them

Bryan R Buchanan said: put an asterisk next to discussion in the summary page (if there is one, obviously) so that a researcher can easily see if there are discussions or not for a specific person
David Burns said: I agree 100%0
Robert Vernon Jensen said: great idea0
Elsie Lurinda Andersen said: The indicator should show up in more than just the Summary screen, in particular also the Details screen. Perhaps after the dates parentheses after the individual's name would be a suitable place.0
Richard Bitter said: I agree. I believe that you are already considering ways to identify individuals that have discussions. I would suggest two places for the identification. One would be great but two would be truly awesome. First, In both the Family Pedigree with Details view and the Tree view I would suggest the asterisk or some other appropriate symbol be attached to any name on the pedigree that has a discussion. The pedigree is normally the first place one looks and would give a much better idea at a glance just which ancestors do or do not have discussions attached. The second place would be on the gray Discussion tab (just below the Possible Duplicates tab) on the left hand side of the details section. This could be as simple as changing the color of the Discussions tab if there was a discussion attached. Thanks for considering this Idea.0
Elsie Lurinda Andersen said: Now that there are some ideas, the question is what Salt Lake will decide to do and when?0
Richard Bitter said: I had an opportunity to work with and talk to some of the FamilySearch engineers, supervisors and other FamilySearch employees at the recent RootsTech conference. Based on that and the results/help that I have received I know that they do read our comments and ideas. I believe that the ideas we have submitted will be implemented (at least in part) as soon as they can. I know from my own programming experience that what seems like a simple programming change or update is often much more complicated and takes much longer than was at first anticipated. I also know that jumping from one thing to another (to fight fires as it were) actually takes longer than finishing each scheduled project or update in it's turn. I'm confident that we will see good changes in this area. I am willing to wait for a good update rather than a quick one that needs to be fixed again later.0
Kathleen Burns said: There is no way to know if a discussion exists about a person other than to click on each name and check. It would be helpful to have some sort of symbol by the person's name, like the former dispute circle. Otherwise, the discussion feature is useless.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Discussions not visible.0 -
Brent Hauser Hancock said: Since we can no longer "dispute" entries but now have to start or join a "discussion" on an individual that we feel has wrong or inaccurate info wouldn't it be nice to mark the name as was done when there was a disput! Otherwise how would anyone know there were questions on that individual?
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Disputes & discussions.0 -
Mary Urban said: In new FamilySearch,I would like to see an icon appearing beside the name of the individual for whom a discussion was posted, such as a D or an * so that anyone looking at the family details page would be able to easily see that something had been posted.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Icon beside name is needed to mark when discussion is posted in nFS.0 -
Ned Elven Sweat said: There needs to be a way to tell if there is a discussion for individuals in new family search other than clicking on the discussion button as people don't look at it before making changes. I had a great-grandfather listed with the wrong parents and spent hours separating records, wrote a discussion and finally had to send feedback to get the parents removed. Three days later the records were combined again because they didn't read the discussion.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
An easy way to tell if there is a discussion on an individual.0 -
Gary P. Eldredge said: Reference: new.FamilySearch, Family Pedigree with Details View, individual detail section. It would be extremely helpful to have an indicator (perhaps on the Discussion tab itself) that discussion board entries exists for an individual.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Need indicator that Discussion entries exist for an individual.0 -
Lenny Brinkerhoff said: I use family search more than 3 days a week and quite a number of those hours. I am also the ward family history consultant and I realized a lot of people who do research don't pay much attention to the discussion bar. I think it would be a good idea to find someway of putting an asterik or some kind of notification that there are discussions in that box. Right now it appears that not many of our members are using it at all.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Hi Light the discussion bar when a discussion is present.0 -
Patricia Helen Young said: Please add a visible indicator to the Discussion Tab as well as Individual Notes link in New FamilySearch that makes it clear if there are discussions or notes about a person. Otherwise we can put information there but no one is ever going to see it or add to a discussion because it's too cumbersome to check the discussion tab on every person you look at.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Indication of Discussion for an Individual.0 -
Bryant Adams said: It would be very useful to have a flag on the discussion tab when a discussion is entered there. Without a flag no one looks at discussions and therefore it is not as useful as it could be. The message that comes to our email is OK but one only sees that when you are in your eamail. Then you are doing something else and it is not convenient to go back to Nefamily serch.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Flag needed on Discussion tab when there is a post..0 -
Mary Susan (Carlson) Scott said: It is difficult to see when a post is created under the discussions entry on the left-side column.
Why not have the word "discussions" change in some way when there is a post?
For instance, the word "discussions" might change to a bold and italic font.
The word could change to a different color -- for example the font might be green.
This idea would enable researchers to know right away which individuals have any posting under their discussion link.
I hope you will consider this idea as it is sometimes time consuming to have to check each individual in a family to see if discussions have been posted.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best wishes,
Mary Scott
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Word "discussions" needs to change when there is a posting.0 -
Margarette Denise Golding said: PLEASE, please, can you find some way to indicate that the Discussion feature has been used. It would be so very time consuming to open the discussion box for each individual on the chance that it has been utilised, but so very helpful to know that it had.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Discussions - have you or have you not!.0 -
cheltjan said: Have the system place a star on the discussion box in new FamilySearch when a discussion is entered, so that users can see that discussion(s) have or have not been placed there.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
NFS should show Discussions have been entered..0 -
cheltjan said: I'm excited and very hopeful0
Clair Rigby Jones said: Please provide an indicator to show that a record has a posting under discussions for an individual--perhaps as PAF does to indicate that an event has sources, or that a record contains notes. Currently, discussion topics, which may contain important notices or questions, mostly go unnoticed unless the patron just happens to wonder if a Discussion posting has been made.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Discussions flag needed.0 -
Sandra June Kennedy said: There is a "WATCH" button on the details page that will email you, if you click on it, when changes have been made .
Thank you for taking the time to share your idea for improving the FamilySearch website. This system allows everyone to view the ideas of others and to vote on the ideas they like best. The ideas with the most votes do tend to get the most attention, but our product managers carefully review all the ideas. Please keep in mind that regardless of votes, some ideas may never be implemented. Many factors are reviewed to determine whether an idea should be implemented. Also note that some ideas take a long time to implement. We appreciate your contribution and hope that you will continue to share your ideas with us.0 -
Patricia Helen Young said: Thank you. We know about the Watch button - but it does not provide the functionality that we are looking for - to let anyone browsing through individuals in a pedigree know which ones have additional information through notes or discussion about them.0
Mary Susan (Carlson) Scott said: The "watch" feature is a different aspect. For instance, I might put a "watch" on an ancestor if I am waiting to see whether other relatives are adding and/or editing the information. We need the discussion comments to explain why we should be aware of certain records or avoid merging two people with the same name.0
Mary Susan (Carlson) Scott said: Please, please consider these points about ways to show whether an individual has discussion comments. (BTW, I feel the same way about indications to point out if descendants are entered for an individual.)
I think that the software engineers have done a good job with New FamilySearch but they need to make it as useful as possible for those of us who are using the website to enter information and submit names for temple ordinances.
This request to have the discussion tab is not a whim.
Kind words will not ease the frustrations which come to researchers who only have hopes that another patron will notice the discussions before changing names or merging individuals into generational "loops" because of the same name or some other similarity. We can write notes, post discussions, etc. but other researchers may never see them -- unless there is a obvious change in color, font, added symbol, etc.
Software engineers need to realize that researchers lose a lot of time because we have to constantly check and re-check information.
We need to recognize the value of these suggestions because they are coming from people who use New FamilySearch faithfully and for the purpose to which it was intended.
We need to be able to work "smarter and faster" if we are going to achieve the goals that the Church has asked us to do -- ie., submitting and completing the temple ordinances for our kindred dead.0 -
Mary Urban said: The Watch feature is nice, but does not serve the function that we are asking for--the discussion icon needs to change color or have a star by it or SOMETHING that would indicate when we are looking at an individual that there has been a discussion posted. I didn't realize this would be such a hard thing for the programmers to do, so will try to be patient.0
Norman Davis Smith said: When information is offered in the Discussion area, please show that there is something to read beyond the button "Discussion," such as, bolding "Discussion," or a number indicating the number of discussions available. All of the other "buttons" in that column produce something, but most of the time "Discussion" draws a blank.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Is there more info in Discussion, or not?.0 -
Geneel Scott said: Why don't you just give us some information about when.. and if... this is going to be done and stop discussing it.... How many followers does it take to know that this is important ?0
Annette Crowley Berger said: I would like to see some kind of indication on the "Discussions" tab if someone has posted a comment or stated a discussion or added to the existing discussion. I think that would be helpful without having to click on "Discussions" to find out if something is posted.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Let's Discuss Discussions!.0 -
WLW said: I also have spent hours uncombing incorrect individuals, added discussions and individual notes only to fine them all combined again with not additional discussion or induvidual notes. Please, please let there be an indicator that notes and/or discussions are entered on a person.0
cheltjan said: People, when you make changes, please, please make notes or discussions explaining why. Most often there are no notes or sources.
Discussions would be a blessing if we would use them AND also know when they have been made. Then we can "collaborate" before moving on causing less difficulty for future users.0 -
Kimberley Cheryl Welton said: It would be helpful if there was an alert that a discussion has been started on an individual. Maybe "Discussion has been started" or "Last Discussion Entry (date)" on the bar between the name and the 'watch' button.
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"Discussion has been started" status.0
This discussion has been closed.