Photo tags are not showing up

Dixie Cragun said: I signed in as a helper for a patron because she was having trouble with some photo tags she’d created. She kept losing them. We went to an ancestor, Emilar Webb KJZC-2CX, and clicked on a photo in her photo section titled “Walker and Webb Family in 1860.” (Click on More to see it.) When the photo first came up, I could hover over the picture and see the tag boxes for each person in the photo. (Jane has been tagged twice.) Over in the People box on the right, the names were also showing. I clicked on Charles Pinder Webb in the People box and went to his memory section, I could see the photo and click on it. When it opened up, the boxes were no longer around each of the persons in the photo. Each person was still listed in the People box, but the person count was 0. If I refreshed the page, or clicked on Previous, then returned to the photo, the boxes came back. I tried other photos of the patron to see if they had this same problem, but they didn’t.
Then, I signed into my own account to see if I’d have the same problem. I went to Emilar Webb KJZC-2CX and clicked on the same photo. Boxes appeared in the photo. But when I went to someone else listed on the People page, and opened up the same photo from their memory section, the tag boxes were gone from the photo. I could bring them up by clicking on Previous and going back, or refreshing the page.
Can you look into this problem and see why this is happening?
Then, I signed into my own account to see if I’d have the same problem. I went to Emilar Webb KJZC-2CX and clicked on the same photo. Boxes appeared in the photo. But when I went to someone else listed on the People page, and opened up the same photo from their memory section, the tag boxes were gone from the photo. I could bring them up by clicking on Previous and going back, or refreshing the page.
Can you look into this problem and see why this is happening?
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- Inicie sesión en
- En la barra de menús de la parte superior de la pantalla, haga clic en Recuerdos.
- En el menú desplegable, haga clic en Galería.
- Haga clic en el signo más (+) del círculo verde.
- Arrastre y suelte el contenido de su computadora a la pantalla, o haga clic en Elegir archivos.
- Todavía hay que etiquetar individualmente cada foto, pero depende de uno mismo la cantidad de contenido que se cargue de una vez.
Para cargar un recuerdo desde la página persona:
- Haga clic en la pestaña Recuerdos.
- Haga clic en Cargar foto o Cargar documento, y seleccione el archivo de su computadora.
- Haga clic en Seleccionar de la galería para agregar un elemento que ya se haya cargado. La función arrastrar y soltar no está disponible para cargar elementos de recuerdos en la página detalles de la persona.
Empleando las instrucciones a continuación, puede cargar varias fotos al mismo tiempo:
- Para seleccionar un rango consecutivo de fotos, encuentre y haga clic en la primera foto.
- Presione la tecla Shift de su teclado.
- Con la tecla Shift presionada, haga clic en la última foto del rango de fotos que desea cargar.
- Debe ver una lista de adjuntos que están resaltados, listos para cargarse. Siga las indicaciones en pantalla para terminar de cargar las fotos.
- Para seleccionar de una carpeta fotos no consecutivas, encuentre y haga clic en la primera foto.
- Mantenga presionada la tecla Control ( Ctrl ).
- Con la tecla Control presionada, haga clic en todas las fotos que desea cargar. Entonces siga las indicaciones en pantalla para terminar de cargar las fotos.
On the right hand side of the photo if you hover over a tagged person the photo tag should show up. It is a new update FamilySearch made. I am sorry if I am incorrect.
-Kasen L
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