Sorting the My Private People list
Rebecca Irene Poole said: I would love to be able to sort the My Private People list. I have been using it to find "living" people who should be deceased. I have a long list. It takes a long time to load the list. I have been loading the complete list, then using CTRL-F to search for a date range, for instance searching for "190" to find people born 1900-1909. Then I copy and paste the ID numbers to a Word file so that I don't have to go through the tedious process again until I finish fixing that set. If I could sort by birth date and just load it once and then print the part of the list I need, or something like that, it would make my clean-up efforts easier.
Paul said: How did you ever come to the stage where you have a huge number of living persons on your Private People list that would be between 111 and 120 years old? I would not add individuals I knew so little about. In any case, surely it is safe to assume most of them probably are deceased by now. Other software would probably be more suitable for your needs in dealing with such individuals. I don't think the Family Tree program was ever meant to be used for these purposes.0
Christine said: My cousin added my siblings and me (attached from my parents obits) and marked us deceased. Despite my wacky family's attempt at humor (zombie jokes) if I had not seen the error it could have been a mess! In the email I received from Family Search informing me they corrected the error they said they recommend that living people should only be added as a bridge to deceased persons when there is no other link. My question with this recommendation is that Family Search is giving one piece of advice while advocating another - including encouraging memories, pictures, etc of living people. I would LOVE Family Search to define (or at least someone to show me where this policy is already defined) when it is appropriate to add a living person and when it is not. With the caution to NEVER assume someone less than 100 is deceased.0
Jeff Wiseman said: Regardless though, Rebecca has identified a very viable Use Case. In fact, we have others here with the same issue for people who are deceased who used to sort their "Watch List" by birth date to see when records are approaching the 110 year rule.
Just another feature that is now more complicated to implement since there is no longer a cohesive "watch list" that can be sorted and filtered. If implemented, this would now have to be set up as it's own custom "exception" type view.
BTW, frequently when I am adding family members from census or marriage records and some are on one side of the 110 rule and some are on the other, I like to include the living persons just so that when *I* view that person details in the FSFT for any of them, I can see the whole family. Furthermore, it can help when finding sources for other deceased members of the family.
At one time, the search and hint's engines would take into account those living records which was great! However, I'm not so sure that they still do that or not.0
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