Is the following microfiche available for loan at the FHL? These are online at Ancestry (link below

The name of the collection: Accomack Co, Virginia "Certificates and Rights, 1663-1709"
Best Answer
I looked up the film in the catalog and got lots of results. Not sure which one is the exact one you want to view. If you go to the help button, the one that looks like a question mark with a circle around it, and put in "How do I search the Catalog for records?," and follow the directions it will show you how to find the search page. Put Accomack Co, Virginia "Certificates and Rights, 1663-1709" in the keyword search. Lots of results.
loans to local Family HIstory Centers have been discontinued for quite some time now.
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@Robyn Adair
As 'Dennis' has already proffered ...
Unfortunately, the Church STOPPED distributing, Microfiche; and, Microfilm, to "Family History Centres" of the Church, around the World, in about September/October 2017.
Much is now 'On-Line'; but, for various reason, some is NOT available 'On-Line'.
That "Film", MAY be available 'On-Line'; but, conversely, it may NOT be available 'On-Line', for whatever reason.
And ...
'Lo and Behold' ...
You are in luck ...
It is ...
Certificates and rights, Accomack County, Virginia, 1663-1709 History Library
Here is the direct 'link', in 'FamilySearch', to that "Film" ( ie. FHL Film Number: 850108, Item 7; and, being DGS Number: 7644653 ) in 'FamilySearch':
I hope this helps.