and FSFT

I probably already know the answer to this (or I should) but I just want to make sure I'm not missing something... is there a way (maybe something in solutions gallery?) to have the sources from ancestry automatically added to my FSFT? and changes updated in real time without having to double the work? I am not LDS and don't have the LDS members access and features that members have to "partner" sites. (even though I've asked to be "grandfathered in" or to be made an "honorary member" 😁 ... that didn't seem to work lol 😂 ) so is there a way to update both trees at the same time without doing double the work? Thank you all! 😊 P.S. if there's a way for me to get access to the "partner"
privileges without being LDS.... then by all means, please let me know 😉 @FamilySearch Tips and Tricks @FamilySearch Family Tree
The the mechanism that the "partner" accounts at is built upon a person's church membership ID which is unique. Regardless of whether permitting non-members to have access to this feature would be allowed or not, adding such a mechanism in the software to handle these types of exceptions would likely be non-trivial.
I really suspect that like all other areas where companies are partnered with the church for both access and/or historic records, it is just plain easier for them to say "church membership" on a contract. It can be easily verified and proven that the contract is being upheld when the only way to access those sites is via a built-in church membership ID.
When you start adding exceptions to that rule, things would start getting really complicated. This is not only in how the contracts were made up, but how they can be verified using a secured and reliable mechanism.
That being said, there are likely a lot of ways that you might expedite your "two tree" updating. For example, after attaching a source to your tree, you could use RecordSeek on it to create a properly formatted source to attach in the FS FamilyTree. If done on a computer with a reasonably large screen, any special notes that have been added to the source could be quickly copy-pasted to the FSFT.
Another way (albeit a bit treacherous), would be to add all the sources to and then create a GEDCOM from it. Uploading the GEDCOM to FS and then transferring the new SOURCES ONLY to the FSFT in a batch type arrangement might work too. I've not tried it, and since it is batch oriented it might be far more more problematic to keep track of if your changes involved updating existing sources or even removing inappropriate sources.
As you repeat whatever mechanism you use, pay attention to your work flow and how to optimize it. Many repeated type operations can often be improved upon speed-wise.
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thank you @JeffWiseman JeffWiseman you've been very helpful! I have been using recordseek when I remember that it exists lol... I think I'll continue with that method... seems to be the easiest option at the moment. thank you!
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Also remember that a lot of those sources in are also available in the historic records part of FS. Frequently it is far easier to find them in for some reason, but once you have found them (especially index sources) you can sometimes find them in the FS records by searching for an exact match to what you see in In any event, if the source is available through FS historic records, I prefer to use them instead of custom sources brought in from elsewhere.
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Good suggestion. Also note some records in FS were indexed "incorrectly" but they have been "edited" or "corrected" in sources. For example, ancestor named "Fraley" indexed as "Waley" - no wonder I couldn't find them in FS! However, someone had "edited" the source in Ancestry and after finding I could now search in FS under "Waley" and find it!