How do I enable relationship viewing?

Best Answer
KegacyUser - Here is the link for the Knowledge Article dealing with turning on the Relationship Viewing -
To enable relationship viewing between yourself and other users of FamilySearch, you can click on your display name in the upper right corner of your FamilySearch page (you must be signed in).
Then select Settings. You will be on the ACCOUNT page in Settings. To the right of the ACCOUNT page tab label are two other tabs: Notifications and Permissions. Click on the Permissions tab and then click the checkbox in the Relationship Viewing section to allow others to see your relationship.
Some pre-conditions must exist for you to see your relationship with other users. You should have your box checked in Settings and the other user must have his or her box checked in his or her Settings. When you get that all set up in your respective settings, you can view relationships when clicking on the contact name of the other user on a change that they made in a family tree record. There will be a "View My Relationship" link on the "Send Message" dialog box that pops up. See attached screen capture for an example. Clicking on the link shows you a relationship viewing chart similar to the one you get on a deceased person's record in Family Tree except that it shows you the complete line back to a common ancestor and down to the living person whose contact name you clicked on.