Can PDF's be moved from Documents to Stories?

Can pre-printed and prepared stories with pictures saved as PDF's (so they cannot be changed by anyone), which are automatically entered into the "Document" area of the individual it is tagged to, be moved or transferred into the "Stories" area? Do all stories have to be prepared and entered in the Stories area?
Best Answer
Thanks for your interest and desire to help. My wife and I are multi-stake consultants and were just trying to help answer this question that came from one of the ward consultants up through the stake consultants. It was not our question. We are content with PDF's in "Documents." My wife has done some beautiful PDF "books" with loads of graphics for her ancestors. One suggestion would be to put a "story" that simply says "See the actual formatted story titled xxxxxx in Documents."
This was just published a week ago, so it is very new:
Notice this statement: PDF documents are stored as documents. They cannot be uploaded as or changed to photos or stories.
@Steve Wassom
Short Answer (First 'Question'): 'No'.
Now ...
Addressing you 'Question' as a whole ...
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in ;FamilySearch':
How do I add a story to Memories?
Where it states
PDF files cannot be uploaded into the Stories feature, but they work very well in Documents.
And, in relation to your concern ...
Here is another "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I edit a story in Memories?
Where it states
After you add a story, you can update and change it. You can only edit stories that you have added, however--as opposed to stories contributed by someone else.
Plus ...
Here are some further "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I add an image to the story I created?
Can I remove a photo, story, document, or audio file from Memories?
I hope these help.
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Thank you so much!
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what were you trying to solve or arrive at - by making them "stories"??