How to remove person from my tree.

I´m new here and I have made mistake when I have added person from GEDCOM file (MH). One person with same name already existed and I used the existed person. Because I didn't notice it, children of the person were also made. Now I can see mistake, and do not know what to do. The original person is not from my tree and I don´ know how to change or repair it.
Thank you for your help and I´m sorry for my english.
Lukas Alina
Czech Republic
Hi Lukas,
Could you please give me the FamilySearch PID (ID number) for the person in question so I can take a look at the record. This can be corrected, but it will help if I have this information.
I'm not sure what language you speak. You can use Google Translate to translate this message. Feel free to respond in your native language and I will also use Google Translate. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Good evening Carol,
You can use english, I´m only not sure with my language skill 😃
I have written about František Prokop GML1-5DF, his wife Marie Tomášková GML1-1L2 and their son Vojtěch Prokop GMGM-9ZV. I need to add and use another František Prokop with different wife and children.
I´m really thank you for your help.
I wish you calm rest of day.
edit: I´m really sorry but owner of František Prokop GML1-5DF repaired it himself right now. I'm sorry I bothered you unnecessarily.
Thank you again and have a nice evening
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Good afternoon Lucas!
I think someone may have already fixed the issue. J. Josef Klamo made some changes earlier today. Please check it out and let me know. Which František Prokop with a different wife and children are you trying to add? Is this the same person with 2 different wives? Hope I'm making sense.
Your English is great - Wish I knew more than one language.
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@LukasAlina LukasAlina
G'Day, morning from "Down Under".
When you say that you "... added person from GEDCOM file (MH) ...", did you mean from:
(1) an actual GEDCOM File; or,
(2) through a "Synch" from "" ...
Just a 'heads-up' ...
GEDCOM Files are NOT the best things to "Load" into "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', they can and often do case MANY problems/issues (in "Family Tree").
And, the "Synchronisation" from "" to "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' has NOT been so good of late, there have been a number of problems/issues (in "Family Tree").
Just some thoughts.