How do I record illegitimate births where both parents are married to other people?

@Jenniferle Jeune1
Easy ...
Make the "Biological" Parents of the "Illegitimate" Child as a "Couple" Relationship; then, just add the "Illegitimate" Child, as a Child to that "Couple" Relationship that you just made; but, there are 'caveats' ...
DO NOT add a "Relationship Event"; as, the "Couple" was, most probably, obviously (as in you case), were NOT/NEVER "Married" (including: "Common Laws"); NOR, "Lived Together" - just leave it "Blank".
Now, as the "Relationship Event" is "Blank", you definitely NEED to ADD copious "Notes", EVERYWHERE you can:
For, both, individuals/persons,
▬ "Life Sketch";
▬ "Other Information" - "Custom Fact"; and,
▬ "Collaboration", both, "Notes"; and, "Discussions"
... [ the latter, "Discussions" currently CANNOT be "Deleted"/"Removed" by others ]
For, Couple,
▬ "Relationship Notes" )
It probably would not hurt to add a "Note" (or, two) about the "Couple" Relationship of the Parents, against the Child, as well - just to 'cover all bases'.
Some people like to, 'look at life through rose coloured glasses' ...
But, you CANNOT; and, SHOULD NOT, 'whitewash' history - it is, what it is.
Now ...
That said ...
The ONE thing that you MUST be MINDFUL of is, in the "Situation" where there is STILL "Life" - that being that there are STILL "Living" individuals/persons from that "Couple" Relationship - being, either, the Couple or any Child/Children.
IF, such is the case; THEN, ...
Probably best NOT to record such "Relationships" ... in the "Public" arena
[ That being "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' ]
ALWAYS be MINDFUL (and, respectful) of the "Living".
IF, "All" are "Deceased", from the "Couple" Relationship - being, the Couple and any Child/Children; THEN, that is fine, go ahead.
But ...
Just remember ...
Regardless, some of the "Living" Descendants may not like to see such, aired in "Public".
Just my thoughts.
ps: It is the 'Skeletons' in the 'Closet' that make Genealogy / Family History INTERESTING, the rest (ie. the 'run of the mill') can be quite 'mundane'.
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Many thanks Brett.