Been using the Images section of the Search tab extensively and successfully over the last few weeks

Best Answer
@Van Pitman Please use the Feedback button in the lower-right of the Images page to report the problem. The more details you can provide, the better chance the Images team has to find and resolve the situation.
@Van Pitman
I am just another User/Patron like yourself ...
And, not that I have anything to offer on this matter ...
But ...
That said ...
A couple of things ...
Firstly, for starters I am "Tagging" this general 'Question' of yours in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, to the 'Group' being " Feedback", just in case.
Secondly, can I humbly suggest that YOU "Post" the 'Feedback' on THIS matter DIRECTLY to the (New) IDEAS Forum, which is the Replacement for the OLDER 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum (the Platform for which is ENDING tomorrow).
Here is a 'link' directly to that (New) IDEAS Forum:
This is the "GetSatisfaction" replacement.
Good Luck.
I hope this helps.
. Feedback
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I have, three different times. Thought I would try something else.
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Thanks for the info, new to this group so trying to learn. Thanks for some feedback, it helps.
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@Van Pitman I'd be happy to try to troubleshoot for you, if you can provide a few more details. It's not clear what you mean by "searching between the different pages". Can you provide some steps to allow us to replicate the problem? Maybe we can spot a solution.
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Under the Search tab, I choose Images. I enter a county and state, i.e. Marion County, West Virginia. It brings up say 275 records that are displayed over sixteen pages, listed at the bottom of the screen. Normally you can pick out any page you want and the records are displayed, as has been the case over the last couple months. Lately, when you choose any page, other than the first couple it says "Records Not Found". When you try another back or use the previous page key, it kicks you out. I haven't checked it out yet today but I have given Feedback at least three times so I am hoping they work on it. Thanks for your reply. I was really reaching out to this group to see if anyone else had this problem, not expecting a solution and maybe to get more people to give feedback.
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You said: "It brings up say 275 records that are displayed over sixteen pages, listed at the bottom of the screen"
When you do the search on Marion County, the "861 Results" that you get are not images. They are collections. you then select one of the collections that you want to examine (e.g., the first set of marriage records which contains a couple of hundred images). It will display in the viewer a collection of image thumbnails--and you are correct, there is no way to invert those thumbnails. However, as soon as you select an image and open it, you have the ability to invert the image.
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@Van Pitman
Thanks for the details. I tried out what you described. I must not be really getting it yet, though. I searched for Marion, West Virginia, United States and see 861 results over 18 pages. But that might just be because more records have been uploaded.
I assume you are using the numbers at the bottom right of the page to move to the next page of results or any page of results you want to look at. I picked page numbers rather randomly and each time the results list loaded just fine--until I got to the very last page, which is interesting. And then, just as you experienced, when I clicked the back arrow, it returned to the main search page.
I will also send feedback on this. I figure that, if multiple report the same issue, it might get resolved faster.
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Thanks for checking. It seems to be a little hit and miss now as far as working so maybe they are trying to fix it.