help finding information of thomas luther blankenship birth 1896.cant find dad or granddad.HELP

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For a list of suggestions on how to broaden your search when stuck, go to the question mark inside of the circle at the top right of FamilySearch, click on it, in the search box type in "research help." You might also want to take advantage of the 20 minute free consultation with an expert at the Family History Library. How to Sign-up for Online Consultation
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Can you give more information? Where was he born? Is he in Family Tree? If so, what is his ID number? Where have you already looked? These answers will help us to assist you.
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Hello @LegacyUser /
Still looking for the father of Thomas Luther Blankenship?
Here are a couple of records which may help.....
US World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 for Thomas Luther Blankenship
names Maime Lee Blankenship as someone who will also know his address
The 1910 US Census shows Maime's father also with brother Luther Blankenship
Also the 1900 US Census
The Death Certificate of Luther T Blankenship names a father
Hope this helps.