How can I improve doing indexing?

Please, I lose my mind doing it.
Best Answers
There are so many facets of indexing, can you tell us what specifically causes you to lose your mind doing it.
However, in general to improve requires two things; first, get understanding; second, get experience.
Get understanding by reading the Basic indexing guidelines and the Project Instructions for each project that you work on (be sure to expand all of the sections, since only the first section is expanded by default). There are also many training articles that can be found by clicking the Help Resources link at the top of the Web Indexing page. On the Help Resources page click Help Articles and type a topic, indexing fore example, in the search box.
Get experience by doing it. While you are gaining experience increase your understanding by making use of the field help (the instructions that pop up when you click the purple circle containing a white question mark when the cursor is in a field).
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Is there someone more experienced you can work with for a batch or two? Maybe someone who can give you some tips? There are "tips and tricks" that make it easier. Are you doing Spanish language projects? We can get you some help!
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Here are some basics:
Please go to the Indexing Overview:
Click on get started and it shows you a simple sample project
Try the guided tour
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A batch consists of Images
An image can consist of one entry or several entries
An entry is a record to index
Note: Many of the entries are Handwritten you need to understand cursive writing. Click on handwriting help it is in the tool bar it looks like a pen
Once you have
Saving your work:
Click on the Black Arrow pointing left the first icon on the Tool Bar to save your work –
If you don’t do this, you lose your work.
The first thing you do is determine if you can read the images:
Identifying images:
When you open an indexing batch, the first step is to decide whether the image should be indexed.
Do not index an image for the following reasons:
· The batch contains multiple images of the same document. Mark these as duplicates.
· The image is unreadable.
· The image contains information that isn't part of the project.
· The image is completely blank or empty. (Be sure to zoom out to see the entire image before deciding that it contains no extractable data.)
1. Read the project instructions so that you understand the project.
2. Review the image.
3. Make sure the image is readable and the kind of document described in the project instructions. If so, select Yes.
4. Continuing reviewing the images in the batch. Click Next Image.
5. If you mark an image incorrectly and want to change it, follow these steps:
a. Go to the upper left corner of the screen below the toolbar and click the drop-down box.
b. Click Step 1: Images.
c. Click Next until you reach the image you want to change.
d. Click the drop-down menu to choose the correct option.
Adding or deleting entries
Adjust the number of entries in the data entry area, if necessary, to index all of the records on the image.
To add entries in the data entry area, do the following:
1. On the indexing toolbar, click the icon for Add Entries:
2. In the Add Multiple Entries pop-up window, type the number of entries you want to add, and indicate where you want to add them.
3. Click Add.
After you have indexed all of the available records on the image, delete any extra or unused entries in the data entry area.
1. On the indexing toolbar, click the icon for Delete Entries: The trash can on Tool bar 7th icon from the left
2. In the Delete Entries pop-up window, indicate whether to delete only the current entry or all blank entries.
3. Click Delete.
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The Indexing Chat Group doesn’t exist anymore (unfortunately).
All great suggestions. But also don’t hesitate to ask a question here on the Indexing Q&A forum about a specific Batch. Please share the Project name, and Batch Code or URL when you do. Or feel free to ask a general “how-to” question or raise a general concern that particularly bothers you. The experienced Indexers and moderators who monitor and participate in this forum may have found workarounds that would help make your Indexing work easier and even less stressful. And, who know, maybe raising your concerns will lead to improving the Web Indexing program for everyone.
Thank u so much!
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@scable2001 001
Especially, as a "Moderator" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] ...
WHY, would you even, 'resurrect', a post such as this, some x2 Years on, next Month ...!?
ESPECIALLY; as, the ORIGINATOR of the 'Post', appears to have 'signed off' on the post, with a "... Thank u so much! ...", the next Month, after the post was posted.
I am sorry ...
But ...
That Said ...
I just cannot understand the 'resurrecting' of this particular OLD 'Post'.
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I am aware that you were a regular Participant, in the former; whereas, now defunct, (but, EXCELLENT) 'Group' of "Indexing Chat" ...
As an aside ...
It may be, that this post, was unfortunately, unnecessarily, recently 'resurrected' ...
And, as such, you may have not have realise, that ...
But ...
That Said ...
When the Participant, responded back in August 2019, in this post, with:
Are you a member of the Indexing Community?
@ Indexing Chat
@ Indexação do FamilySearch
You will be aware, that:
▬ the (EXCLLENT) 'Group' of "Indexing Chat" did STILL exist and function BACK in August 2019; and,
▬ the (EXCLLENT) 'Group' of "Indexing Chat" was ONLY just CANNED, by 'FamilySearch', a month or so ago.
.... [ Instead, now ONLY existing as this, a 'Category' of "Indexing", under "Q and A" ]
It is very sad; as, those, Leading; and, the many regular Participants of, the 'Group' of "Indexing Chat", were ALREADY doing a STIRLING job.
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Thanks, Brett. I hadn't noticed the date of the post.
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gave you some pointers on indexing. Take them or leave them.
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On a post, that was 'done and dusted', some x2 Years ago ...
Doing so can cause problems/issues; as, has occurred.
Best to 'leave', those 'old' posts, just as they were, 'done and dusted'.
ie. Certainly NOT to be 'resurrected'; especially, by a "Moderator" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ]...
Such 'Posts', should NOT; and, DO NOT need, to be "Closed"; as such, to allow ANOTHER 'lowly' Participant (ie. User/Patron) who may want/need to, 'rehash'; or, 'resurrect', them for clarification; or, follow-up, 'Question', which is fine.