Registry of Deeds early 1900s Cumberland County, North Carolina
I am hoping that someone can confirm what the address of the Registry of Deeds was in early 1900s Cumberland County, North Carolina. The address below in the image shows up on the timeline of a lot of my ancestors and that of another family to which I am trying to find a connection. I believe this was a registry location, but I can find nothing showing this address. If this was a registry location, could you please tell me what shows that address? Thank you
Full Text Search comes up with Deeds in Cumberland North Carolina.
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Thank you, but I was asking if the particular address in the image was the address on the Registry in Fayetteville at that time. I am just trying to find anything that notes that address as a government building. From what did Family search pull that address? Here is an example timeline entry and map plotting. I can find no document with that Adam St address, so I just wanted to confirm if it was some type of government building:
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I used a tool to tell me the ED in the 1950 Census for the address 531 Adam Street, Fayetteville, NC.
Then I looked in the 1950 Census on FamilySearch for ED 26-18On Image 8 of the Census I found Adam Street (listed as Adams Street)
I found 531 Adam Street as a personal residence, not a government building.
I could have gone back further, but the street names were not as easy to locate in prior censuses.
Hope this helps.0 -
Thank you, I will check the censuses out again. I have a suspicion that the Registry was at a different location in the early 1900s than in 1950. I tried confirming with the Registry in North Carolina, but they had no idea
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I believe you're overestimating the specificity of the map pin's location. That's just where the computer estimates the center of Cumberland County to be. It's a few hundreths of a minute further west than Wikipedia's estimate. (That's enough to put Wikipedia's pin in the middle of some woods just east of Fayetteville.)
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Ok, thank you. I wondered if that was the case, but with Familysearch giving that very specific address down to the street level again and again, I wanted to see if there was actually something to explore there. I guess I can stop chasing that detail,!