Famous ancestors was working and then broke
Hi all!
I'm brand new to this and was introduced to this platform through a cousin who has done some extensive work on here. This evening, I was introduced to the famous ancestors line, and it worked as expected. Shortly thereafter, it stopped working and says I don't have enough ancestry even though I am linked far back. I don't know if it may be a glitch - worth mentioning, I had just finished setting up the ability to connect with my cousin, and I don't know if that triggered a glitch or broke something for my profile. I can still scan far back and view my ancestors on the map, just not the famous relatives.
Thanks in advance!
There are a couple of relevant points here.
a) Given that Family Tree relative tracing is only ever as good as the information in the Tree (ever varying, and of quality varying from excellent to lousy), and that the individuals shown as Famous Relatives are a very subjective, US focused, and changeable list: taking the Famous Relatives information shown on a particular day as more than light entertainment is unwise.
b) FamilySearch are currently doing a lot of work on the (non-Famous Relatives) 'view relationship' algorithms, and people have been encountering a lot of incorrect 'unknown relationships' which subsequently return to normal. If you could provide some relevant Family Tree PIDs, it would be easier for people to look into this.