Where can i seek help finding a person's grave?

I have exhausted every common online sources. I have the name of deceased, year, and the state. I Also have a couple photographs that have clues that maybe a person would recognize, where would i post them?
Best Answer
I know you said you tried every common search site, but here are a couple of the uncommon ones. Have you tried any of the following:
This is experimental but may help.
https://www.deathindexes.com/cemeteries.html#:~:text=Alabama%20%7C%20Alaska%20%7C%20Arizona%20%7C%20Arkansas,%7C%20West%20Virginia%20%7C%20Wisconsin%20%7C%20Wyoming This one has specific state information and some states have a database of where families are buried.
Just a thought. Also if you post your photograph to this site it may catch someone's eye.
Thank you
Hello @Jerzy423.
Sometimes the burial information is elusive and the best way to go about it is indirectly. Have you tried searching for the person's death record, whether a certificate or notation from the city/county or local office? These often will include the cemetery.
Were you able to locate an obituary? I have found those are the biggest help for burial information.
Census records or city directories could also provide big clues, as where they were last living may be where they died. Pictures are a great help and provide proof that the burial exists, and, if we know the city they died, we can narrow down by the cemeteries in that general area.
If you can share the name, year and state, we may also be able to further assist you.
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@Jerzy423 I have found several instances where a local genealogy/historical group has done a county-wide survey of known cemeteries [including some family plots not otherwise well-known or documented]. You may want to reach out with a 'cold call' to see what they might have or otherwise know of….
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Thank for everyone who has responded, i have posted few of the photos. The info i do have is
Lived in hempstead, ny
Died 1988 was polish and catholic
I have searched the surrounding of every possible cemetery in the NY area surroundings using google maps trying to match the photographs. Seemed like cemetery was next to a industrial hub but being 1988 things have very likely changed. So its been difficult but if anyone can suggest something i have missed or cemeteries that i should check again. Just know that i have looked at every possible catholic cemeteries in the state and cemeteries in and near and far from nassau county.
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If you want to share the name, those of us who are acquainted with NY research may be able to help more.