Wrong Parents listed
My ancestor came from Denmark. She was orphaned on the journey, and so was adopted by people in Salt Lake. I see on the pedigree that her adoptive parents are listed, possibly because for many years we didn't know the birth parents' names or anything. I've recently realized that my brother has family group sheets for a lot of these actual Danish ancestors, in my mother's hand. Should I be trying to correct the records in Family Search? Do other descendants have to approve this?
Best Answer
A person in Family Tree can have more than one set of parents. So the adoptive parents aren't "wrong," but you are welcome to add an additional set of parents for that Danish ancestor.
A nice little feature of Family Tree is that you can designate which set of parents you prefer to see in trees, but you might have some cousins who choose the other set of parents, and that's totally fine — each user gets to pick their own choice for preferred parents for each of their ancestors.
You don't need approval from anyone to make changes, especially since you are simply adding information. But you should always attach sources that document your conclusions, and as you make changes, provide helpful reasons for your actions.
See instructions for doing this: Connecting and Correcting Relationships in Family Tree
In stirring around further, I did a search of her birth-father's name and location in Denmark, and clicked on View in Tree. His tree going down through his descendants, leads to me and my siblings, but in a less complete version of family information. So, somehow both sets of parents are in the data base. So I think I'll not add them in again. They're in there already. Thank you for your helpful reply.
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@Lori Nelson Weiss, it sounds like there may be some profiles in need of merging in your part of the Family Tree. The (lofty and distant) goal is one and only one profile per deceased person.
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'So I think I'll not add them in again.'
If you did add them in again, they would (probably) get picked up as duplicates and anyone looking at either profile would see a hint to merge them; they might well do so in an uninformed way. Better to avoid this problem and (as Julia says) follow good FT practice by editing the existing profiles instead.