how do I know the acenstors that pop up are true relatives of mine?
Hi Karen Thanks for your note and asking about the relatives on the tree. There is a significant difference between FamilySearch/FamilyTree when compared to many other sites and programs. On Family Tree, it is a universal tree meaning we only want one profile per person which is shared with all users. On other programs, each user has their own tree and their own profiles for each person and are responsible for any expansion of their tree.
On Family Tree, when you enter information about a deceased ancestor, you notice that Family Tree does a search to see if that person is already on Family Tree. If it is, then you have the option to select that profile and it comes with all the people connected to it for as far back as it goes. In other words, everyone on Family Search is sharing the same tree. We benefit from the work others have done and the ongoing work of others. This is a huge benefit in that we don't have to repeat the work that has already been done and we can concentrate on expanding the tree to our own benefit and the benefit of others. While there are many benefits, there are some drawbacks as well. Since we all share the same profiles, others can make changes. Sometimes these changes may not be accurate and disrupt your tree.
You ask about how you know it is correct. In any genealogy whether on Family Search/Tree or Ancesttry or any program, the key is sources. The goal on Family Tree is to have every profile be as accurate as possible with attached sources and documentation. A couple of things that you can do. You can compare what genealogy you have with what Family Tree has. If there are areas of disagreement, then you need to check your sources and those on Family Tree to help determine what is correct. Where Family Tree goes past what you have in your own records, then you can check for sources attached to the profiles or search for more sources.
Bottom line, Family Tree is a universal tree where we all share. We encourage all users to make sure sources are available and attached. Hope this help. Let us know if you have further questions.