Where are the census records?
This has been an ussue for me from the very beginning. Finding them was relatively easy: type in the name and census date and they'd come up. After 48 years of doing genealogy I no longer need them much for personal research but I do have questions periodically that can only be answered through the census. I had this trouble last year and had to ask, as I am having to do now.
Two things should be massively apparent — the census records and the Community Home, which is also always a hunt.
Where are the census records?
I get to the US Census collections by clicking on Search>Records. Then at the bottom of the next page, just above "Browse All Collections," I enter the year of the census I am interested in, followed by "United States." This brings up several names in a popup.
That's one way to get to them. You can also go to the FamilySearch wiki page and access all the United States Census records.
If you're looking for state censuses, go to the wiki page for the state. If you're looking for other country's censuses, go to the wiki page for that country (assuming the country took censuses.)
As for the Community home page, you can always access it by clicking on the link at the top of the page anywhere in Community.
If you are not already in Community, but are in FamilySearch, click the question mark with a circle on it at the top right of your screen.
This opens a popup. Click on "Community" at the bottom of the popup.
Does that answer both your questions?
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Which country's census?
Getting from Community to the main site is easy (just click the tree at the top left), so I use my Community bookmark as my FS "landing page". This makes the difficulty of the reverse path a moot point. (For future reference, though, the link to Community is found by clicking the question mark at the top right.)
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Yes. I know how to get to the home page. That wasn't the question.
Any country's census records. There should be a ready link fir such a valuable resource.0 -
Ugh. Now I don't see how I can respond to individual answers. This is for Ashlee.
Yes, that's probably the answer from last year. This has always been a terrible interface. Very little of it is comlmon sense.
My question wasn't so much about how to aks a question but how to get to the Community Home. The selections at the top of the menu are:
Family Tree Search Memories Get Involved Activities
And at the bottom menu:
About Volunteer Blog Find Ancestors Site Map DNA Solutions Gallery Mobile Apps Contact Us
I believe there used to be a link to Community Home but as you see there is nothing.0 -
Not all countries have censuses available as a genealogical resource, so I see absolutely no reason to highlight them in particular.
The "ready link" for records of all types is Search - Records, as Ashlee shows in her answer.
And both of us answered your question of hunting for "the Community Home": you can find a link to it on the main site by clicking the question mark.