Community Quick Links for Sweden Group
When I'm in my Sweden Group and click on My Discussions, (I have 23) under Quick Links, they don't open. Why? Am I doing something wrong? I asked a question last night, and I can't find it to look at it,
Thank you
Wendy Phillips
The "My Discussions" link only shows threads you've started in one of the main Categories, not your activity in any Groups you've joined.
To see the actual list, you can click the grey circle icon at the top right and click your name on the dropdown. (Alternatively, you can find a post you've made, click your name, and choose "View Profile".) In the right-hand column of the resulting profile activity page, click "Discussions". (Notice the lack of a pronoun in the link/label.)
This semi-segregation of Groups is one of the weirdnesses of this Community. Another is the inclusion of invisible activities — such as flagging messages — in the discussion count.